
Anyone wanna run away with me?

by  |  earlier

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i really have nothing to run away from, i admit to that, however you only live once , and i've seen all of California already, i crave something new......i'm an honors student, but i've lost interest in school and besides, life should be dangerous. I simply dont agree with what society has set up for me....and yes you need proper education and a job to be successful, but it all depends on what your idea of what real 'success' is. For me, success is living life to the fullest. And thats it.The only thing thats holding me here is lack of money and transportation. I'm fifteen.

How can you be expected to crawl, when you've got the strongest urge inside you to fly?




  1. One can only imagine the spectrum of reactions to this, ranging from alarm, maybe coming from such as I, a parent of two, to concupiscence and other much less savoury emotions and thoughts entertained by predators who would take advantage of your naivitée and ignorance of the evils of the world.

    If you are an honors student, why do you fail to use capitalization and punctuation where appropriate?  Why do you not capitalize the first person pronoun, the I?

    I suggest you watch as many episodes of C.S.I. as you can, starting with the ones in which young women's bodies are found, yes, dead.

  2. If I were you, I would wait until you turned 18 before running off.  At your age, life does seem to pass you by.  I had the same urge at about your age, but I also learned to that I had to keep my feet on the ground a little longer.  From my lessons learned, I found it was possible to fly a little and still hold a steady job.  It is about balancing life.  Yes, success has nothing to do with job or money, but you still need some to get through life.  I just turned 41 and have never liked my life the way it is, but I have a wonderful wife and we have found ways to balance life so that it does not get boring.  I have also been in college for 3 semesters now to finish my degree.  So, you do not need to go to college right away, but just remember that when living life to the fullest, you still need to make money somehow to live the basics of life.  You will eventually fly, but for now, just crawl for a little while longer.  It will go by more quickly than you think.

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