
Anyone want to do any of these for me?

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Eight ways to be smart Bloom’s Taxonomy: Six Thinking Levels


1 Understanding

2 Applying

3 Analysing

4 Creating

5 Evaluating



I enjoy reading, writing & speaking Watch “Antarctica” and list words that describe aspects of the environment.

Min 25 words

(Note-Taking) Write a 200-300 word description of the Antarctic environment using your list of words.

(Writing) List the environmental challenges facing humans in living in Antarctica. Include physical and cultural challenges.

200 words.

(Reading) Watch “Shackleton” and compare the challenges mentioned in your list. Choose 10 challenges and describe ways of meeting each of these challenges.

200-300 words.

(Reading) Create a list of essential equipment needed to survive on a sight-seeing boat tour of Antarctica. Explain the reasons for your choice of each equipment.

200-300 words.

(Reading) Write a film review for the DVD on “Antarctica” or “Shackleton”. Refer to your list of human essentials for survival in the Antarctic. 300 words.



I enjoy working with numbers & science Collect data that demonstrates the changes to the Antarctic ice caused by global warming.

(Reading) Create a series of graphs to better display the data.



Caption your drawings and describe the effects you created and how this relates to the challenges facing life. 200 words.


Use the data in an explanation of the effect of global warming on the Antarctic ice.

200 words.

(Writing) Create a series of diagrams that show the effect of global warming on the Antarctic ice, accompanied by relevant graphs.


Scientists have made predictions about the effects of global warming in relation to Antarctica. Write a future scenario that demonstrates this. 200-300 words.


Justify the scenario you chose by referring to data collected and by making predictions using this data. 300 words.



I enjoy painting, drawing & visualising Draw a series of three images that show the challenges facing life in Antarctica.


Choose an Antarctic animal and create a series of 8-10 images that demonstrates how it adapts to survive in the environment.

(Reading) Create a series of images that show the probable effects of global warming of two animals in Antarctica. Five images for each animal.

(Reading) Make a mobile (of at least 9 separate images) that depicts Antarctic environmental challenges. Describe these challenges on a separate sheet. 200-300 words.

(Reading) Create an evaluation form for your mobile and seek feedback from five people. Report on this and your own evaluation of the mobile’s success.



I enjoy doing hands-on activities, sports & dance List at least 50 facts about Antarctica. Include some facts or predictions about the effects of global warming.

(Note-taking) Frame each fact into a question. Vary the type of question and the way in which the question is framed.

50 questions.

(Writing) Collect pictures to match each question.

50 pictures.

(Reading) Produce a large map of Antarctica and name the prominent places. Match the questions to the map.

(Reading) Create a game in which the players learn about Antarctic environments and the challenges that life must meet to survive. Your game must have an accompanying set of rules about how to play it.

(Reading) Create an evaluation form for your game and seek feedback from five players. Report on this and your own evaluation of the game’s success. 300 words.



I enjoy caring for plants & animals List the challenges for land animals in successfully living in the Antarctic.

(Note-taking) Research one land animal and record how this animal successfully overcomes and meets these challenges. Use a table format.

200 words.

(Reading) Report on how an animal successfully survives in the Antarctic environment.

200 words.

(Writing) Antarctica has very little land plant life. Suggest biological reasons for this. Write an explanation to account for this.

(200-300 words)

(Writing) Create a myth that describes how one Antarctic animal became as it is. You may include drawings. 200-300 words.

(Writing) Discuss the effects of human use of the Antarctic on a specific animal’s survival. Make a decision about this animal’s probable future survival. 300 words.



Learning Outcomes:

1. You must complete the three highlighted activities. (Due Date: Thursday 9 August 2007 – Week 4)

2. Then you must choose activities that will total 15 points, with at least one Reading and one Writing activity.

(Due Date: Thursday 30 August 2007 – Week 7)

i cant do it :(

i need to make up 15 points.

and im sorry i cant show it in a propper grid, i hope you understand.

but it would be good if you co




  1. Let me get this straight... you are dumping your entire assignment on the internet for a random stranger to do, someone who may not even be qualified or write well. Further more, you've given vague and lengthy instructions which look very intimidating to follow.

    I think you need to work this assignment and not resort to YA as the fix-it. YA is the "helper or assistant", not the "homework completer"

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