
Anyone want to trade Pokemon from D and P?

by  |  earlier

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These are the pokemons i have to trade

Dialga lv 47 impish nature

Palkia lv 47 rash nature

2 Azelf lv 50s mild and docile nature

2 Mespirit lv 50s serious and bold nature

Riolu lv 1 Naive nature

I am looking for the starters from kanto squirtle,bulbasaur,charmander or the starters cindaquil,totodile,chikorita or best offer

my friend code is 3566 3687 6239




  1. I have Bulbasaur,cyndaquil,and chikorita.What will you give for them?


    Code:4038 5957 8484

    PS:You need to tell us your game Name.

    Edit:OK lets trade

    Edit2:I'm so sorry,I can't trade until tomorrow,I hope you can wait I will give you an egg too.I'm interest in riolu,Palkia and Azelf!!

    Edit3:I'll Message you when I get home kk?

  2. I have ALL the starters you have mentioned.

    my firend code is:

    FRANTZ (all in capital letters)

    Code: 5026 5444 5700

    plz e-mail me so we can figure out what you still need and when we will trade.

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