
Anyone watch Suppernanny?

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Is it bad to put your kid in a time out behind a closed door?? Or should they be put in time out and learn to just stay there and stay put???




  1. I don't particulary care for that show dicipline for my kids is something i learn as I go ,NOT FROM A TV SHOW! BEING A MOTHER OR A PARENT DOESNT COME ON A BOOK OF DIRECTIONS , IS SOMTHIN U LEARN AS YOU EXPERIENCE  EVRY DAY SITUATIONS.

  2. Always on the naughty spot. It really works, never behind a closed door until they are older - like grounding them to their room.

    lol at the woman a few answers above me who said she can't wait till her child is old enough to use the naughty spot..that is kind of a weird way to look at it.  no offense..

  3. Never behind a closed door. This is abuse. In there bedroom that's ok. In a closet that is not.

  4. I think they need to be somewhere where they can see what they're missing out on, myself.  I think that's part of the point of the exercise. . . "punishment" by getting to see what misbehaving excluded you from.

    I know I could have all sorts of fun in my room, so what's necessarily so bad about being stuck in there?  I know you're supposed to take all the fun stuff out if you're trying to do that, but it'd have been hard to do that when I was addicted to largely "good" things like reading (yes, really) and the Discovery Channel as even little kid.

  5. Yeah i just watched i. If you put the child in he closet its abuse. Its better to put them in a corner or in one spot.

  6. I watch Super Nanny and LOVE IT. Watching the episode right now.

    Not behind a closed You have no idea what they are doing.

    They should learn to stay put and I am a firm believer in the naughty spot technique and can't WAIT until my little girl is old enough to use it on her.

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