
Anyone watch tens late news last night? footage of little girl with man possibly madaline macann ?

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i just wanted to know what it was about......i really like to know anything new about that sweet little girl and i fell asleep before the news come not talking about possible sightings from back in febuary...this was on the news last night and the footage was recent....any info from anyone who watched the late news???




  1. A bank guard in Brussels says he's sure he saw Maddy on about the 8th. They showed CCTV footage but it was from pretty far away and it was blurry. To me the little girl's face looked a bit chubby to be her but she would be growing up a but by now.

    Below is a bit of a summary from various newspapers - the site is very sceptical.

  2. you serious? wow im looking that up!!!!

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