
Anyone watch the show "Paranormal State"?

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What are you thoughts on it? Real or fake? It seems pretty legit to me, although chip coffey kinda annoys me sometimes, he's way overly dramatic!




  1. I love that program.  I believe it is real.  Chip Coffey has another show called Psychic Kids, Children of the Paranormal.  Its gone off for the season, but it was very interesting.  Teaching kids how to use their abilities and not be frightened of them.

  2. When the show first aired, I watched a few episodes.

    There were a few things I didn't like about it.

    One is that their religion predominated the entire investigation.

    Then Ryan was sure a demon was leading him by the nose to these sites.

    Then at the end of the investigation, the investigators said the client's bad spirits have left.

    I can't say I've ever watched another episode since season 1.

  3. YES I love this show!! Me and my niece watch it and text each other comments all thru it (we live 70 minutes away from each other). Aww, I like Chip, and as for charging that much, many known psychics charge the same. Sylvia Browne, who I absolutely love, charges the same. Anyways, sometimes I think it's a little too scripted, but I think what they find is real. Guess we will never know, after all it is TV and they can edit in anything they want.

    Anyone watch Ghost Hunters as well? I just watched it, they come on Wednesdays on the Sci-Fi network.

  4. Yes, someone watches it.  Good question, keep them coming.

  5. i believe that a lot of it is real. if you think chip is annoying... watch Derek Achora on Most Haunted. he really bothers me.

  6. Yes, I've watched it.  It's interesting.  And I agree with everyone who says Chip is kinda annoying.

  7. I love that show. I think that there are some things that they can debunk and don't always. But, for the most part - they seem to look at everything for what it is before they say it is paranormal.

    Oh.. and about Chip - I just found his website the other day. He charges $200 for a 1/2 general hour reading. And, something like $500 for a cross-over reading.  So, if he bothered you before, that may make you even more bothered.  I can't believe a medium would charge that much.. but ok. I just found it odd.

    Add on:

    Seamus -  I liked that show too. But they only ran a couple of episodes and then it ended. I wonder if it is coming back next season.

    Another add on: I love Ghost Hunters too. I guess I really like all those paranormal shows. They are interesting, at the very least.

  8. I watch it semi-regularly. It's not real or fake, it's a show about people really believing what they think they are seeing and attributing it to upset spirits or demons. But I agree with you, that medium (Coffey) is pretty annoying.  

  9. Yes I watch this annoying show.   I'm drawn to it for some reason.

    Also, I do not like the g*y guy.

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