
Anyone watching the new show Paranormal State on A&E right now?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know about the rest of you, but I was REALLY bored with this show!! Total thumbs down!!




  1. I just made a comment on the same question above you. Didn't see yours till now. I liked it pretty much. I know they had to add "spooky" music and sounds...otherwise I think it was pretty honest. I think the guys are pretty honest. You don't (or shouldn't) call on Michael the Archangel and then lie or deceive. (I wonder why he's an angel , but called "Saint" Michael.)Anyone know?I like it because it's pretty "down to earth" about real people.They're not I thought they pulled it off pretty well...for college kids.

  2. yes

  3. Yes it was a 4 on a scale of 10.  The audio was c**p, I had to keep playing with volume so I could hear it.  What with playing the back ground music louder then people are talking.  And is the guy trying disguise his voice or what.  Looks like it's the catholic church version of ghost hunters or something.  I think people who really like the A Haunting show will like it,  they are playing up to the Hollywood style ghosts are evil thing.  Oh well it will keep people entertained long enough to sell soap and burgers to the masses.

  4. Yes I am,.........spooky

  5. HUGE mistake after mistake after... ok, it was awful.  Period.

    At least I know not to bother again!

  6. No...i am goint to when it turns 10 pm it is only 7:07pm here !!!!!!!!

  7. d**n it! I am watching the last 10 minutes. I will be checking to see if its on again.

  8. Thanks for the reminder!!

  9. yes, whats up with the narrarators voice? sounds like worlds scariest places narration

  10. Yes and I like it

  11. Yes.

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