
Anyone watching the secret millionaire? Channel 4?

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Call me naive, but I did not realise Glasgow was the poorest City in Britain? Are there any Glasgow dwellers that can defend this.

I find it completely horrifying that people live in such conditions, it is so sad.

Don't you all wish you could be millionaires to so that you can help people like this programme does?





  1. I have lived in Glasgow all my life, and didn't know it was the poorest City in Britain until I was watching this programme! It is a shame (but true) that a lot of people live in appalling conditions. It just seems to be that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. If I had loads of money I would help those less fortunate than myself.  

  2. I think the Glasgow charities had the better out the millionaires, especially as Nick Leslau not only gave some very kind and substantial immediate donations he also gave them a yearly donation over 5 years, even the blind Rangers Supporter.

    10 star 'Lump in the throat tear jerking' entertainment

  3. yes i always watch it and am amazed at the relative small amounts these people give away when it  is really only small change to them but can change the life's off these people....

  4. yes im no millionaire but i feel so lucky when i watch it.

    and i wish i could have enough money to change peoples lives so much.


  5. ahh c**p, I forgot about that! must go watch. ooh but did you see last week's when some woman gave away just 45 grand?? I'd be embarrassed giving away that little if I had that much! k, going to watch.

    - I cried, again. every goddamn time I watch it!!! think I'm going to go volunteer somewhere.

  6. I did realise Glasgow was the poorest, although there's areas of London and Cardiff just as bad. I agree with Shannon though that programmes creepy.

  7. Yes. Makes me feel very lucky with my lot in life.Trouble is you'd want to help everyone & that's just not possible unfortunately.It beggars belief that people live in these conditions in this day & age.

  8. 1) Yes I am watching it

    2) Yes I did know Glasgow was the poorest city, Cornwall is also the poorest county in England.

    3) Yes it is sad, do you give to charity?

    4) No I don't want everyone to be a millionaire, because then no-one would be a millionaires, and therefore prices would rocket, and the economy most probably wouldn't be able to handle the impact, and then it'll all crash, and we'll all be homeless living in mud huts, bargaining for eggs... what was the question again?

  9. i do not see it ,is it wonderful?

  10. There's something morally wrong about that tries to make entertainment out of people's difficult circumstances..

    What does it actually achieve?

    Patronising tosh..

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