
Anyone waterbend?

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now some people may say "what! the you joking right?" well i'm not this is real and i want to know if anyone else bends i just started and i haven't officaly bended yet but still i would like to know if anyone else bends or would like to be my teacher please respond




  1.  I need a master i can move droplets of water and change the tempature but i need help

  2.  I am not sure.... But I really do think I was waterbending once. I was with my friend that time and we both tried to make waves, and we really did it!

  3.  i need a master to waterbend!!!anyone?

    i love it i wanted it so badly!!!

  4. I do, i can only make water ripple, but i learnt it from putting a number of techniques togethor from many diffrent sites as well as some of my own, but the one thing i'll tell you is work on chi, if u need any further help just ask, but i'm new and i also need a master to teach me btw earthflame and chi element are great sites, they're what i learned from but i'm not sure if earthflame still exist they're techniques are better but they don't give you graduall step ups from making a ripple to lifting they just do lifting to streaming the water, anyway i hope i helped, if anyone wants to know my technique i'll be glad to share, my dream is to become a master and to teach thoose who really believe, please, i can only make a ripple, and once i made the water wabble, but i really wanna help anyone whos intrested, i'll check this page to see if anyone replies, By the way rain water is MUCH easier to bend or any other natural water that hasn't been tainted by chemicals to make it safe to drink, hope i helped.

  5. I want to waterbend, but i need a teacher. After Water, i want to master air. PLZ SOMEONE HELP

  6. i only airbend i wanna lear water bending

  7. can some one help me ive mastered air now i want to do water then earth then fire if u can help email me

  8. i really wanna waterbend. can any1 help me. it looks so cool. right now i cant make water move but im still trying to learn.

  9. Can some one help me! I can't even make a ripple!

  10. Does any1 want me 2 teach them?

  11. Yes, i am a master i teach all people who can find me....
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