
Anyone whatdo you think?

by  |  earlier

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Ok I weigh about 130lbs and about 5"10. I'm trying to gain weight I have been exerciseing everyday running, squats, lunges. But now I want to bring it up a notch useing weights, but do not know how much to use for much do you all think I should bench squat? Is there any other exerciseing routines?




  1. <Your question ended up in the "Languages" category. Check the "suggested category" box before posting, and select a category manually if necessary.>

  2. no relation to Language section

    write it in Health and Fitness

  3. Llinguistically speaking, first I have to "translate" Pounds, Feet, and Inches into Kilograms, and Metre/Centimetre! Only then,I can give you a correct answer, that is: "I have no idea about physiology and medicine because my field of study is linguistics!"

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