
Anyone who can write poetry, PLEASE HELP ME!?

by  |  earlier

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For school i have to write a poem about how the aboriginies reacted when they saw the europeans settelers for the first time.. and also what the europeans did to them. etc.. i can't think of how to start the next paragraph, can you please give me a hand at starting it?

They arrived on boats, entered the land,

In front of us in clothes, people stand,

They must be ghosts, with skin so pale,

Some without beards, are they female?

Soon trees were being cleared,

These creatures are to be feared,

Speaking a language that is unknown,

Wanting us to speak their own.

Thankyou in advance. ( =




  1. They'll teach us to make beer

    and how to read books

    They'll be back here next year

    (just to drop off their crooks)

  2. Sorry in advance just getting an old joke out of my system first

    q What did the aborigine yell out when he first saw Captain Cook and his crew come into land on the shores of Terra Australis?

    a "Hey! You can't park THERE!" (an oldie but a goodie)

    Wary we are of what they will bring

    Changing our ways would be a bad thing

    Their weapons of war can strike from afar

    Our land is peaceful, we want to stay as we are

  3. They need our help to hunt for food

    While shouting at us cruel and rude

  4. They look strange and don't smell good

    There goes the neighborhood.

  5. Why have these people come to here?

    Are they friends or should we fear?

  6. Word of advice:

    When rhyming, rhyme every second line. Sometimes it makes the poem sound better.





    got it?

    As for the next paragraph in your poem. This one shows Europeans forcing Christianity on the Aborigines:

    Words escaped as the pale-face demons,

    Wreaked havoc in way of calling us heathen.

    Chains wrought of stone, stronger than blood,

    Glinted as they pulled us before their Almighty God.

    Ill get back with more via email later (if I have the time)



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