
Anyone who had a miscarriage around 5 weeks?

by  |  earlier

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i found out i was pregnant on aug 12th, almost everyday after that i would have a little bit of spotting. on aug 20th i took another test, it was still positive, but on the 22nd i had heavy bleeding, very dark in color and every day since then i've had light bleeding still dark in color so i'm sure i've had a miscarriage, but i'm just wondering for anyone else who has experienced this, how long did the bleeding last for you. i also have had really bad indegestion and feeling like i want to throw up for the past few days...did you experience that? also, did you go to the doctor and what did they do for you? my appt is sept 11th, so i'm just wondering what to expect




  1. i think u need to go to the docs asap..dont wait for your appointment!

  2. i was 5weeks  when i lost my child, i had little bit of brownish discharge for two days then on the foruth day i had heavy blood like it was a period but i had cramps and everything. i mean killer cramps........if u had not had any cramps it might not be a could be IMPLATATION...but most girls bleed a little in the first few weeks but still u need to contract a doctor ASAP....but now Im 4weeks along so i am scared....but i am taking it much easier....hope everything goes well.

  3. My 1st m/c was 5wks, i had very mild pains, not noticable only i was looking out for them and very light bleeding which then went on for 2days just like a normal period.  Only way to tell i was miscarrying was by checking my HCG Levels which fell from 71 to 15 within 48hrs.

  4. If you think you had a miscarriage, you should go in earlier.  It's better to be safe.  You can run the risk of getting an infection, so be aware if you think you're feeling ill and getting a fever.  With my miscarriages, I never had heavy bleeding- just some spotting and cramps.  They did an ultrasound to verify that the baby had no heartbeat.  I had to have d & c's to take care of everything as my body just seemed to quit. I just had cramping - no other signs of sickness.  They suck, I know.  But, I do have 2 children now.  

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