
Anyone who has a backhandspring please hellp!! ?

by Guest31878  |  earlier

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Hi, I'm a cheerleader and i am working on my backhandspring and i have Two questions,

1. How long did it take you to get your back handspring??

2. my gymnastics coach said i am pushing my hips forward at the start, what can i do to fix this???

Thank you sooo much!! You guys dont know how much this helps me :) thanks again <3




  1. 1. it took me like a year.

    2. i used to do the same thing. to fix it push backward out of your legs.

    good luck!

  2. 1. 1 or 2 YEARS!!!!!!!!

    2. umm...maybe  try to squeeze ur stomach muscles and try 2 arch ur back less lol im not sure though! ask someone to use ur phone 2 take a video of u doing a back handspring so u can see what ur doin wrong. i tried that and it really helped me

    hope this helps! GOOD LUCK!!! =)  

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