
Anyone who has adopted a child from Russia, would you recommend it?

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Anyone who has adopted a child from Russia, would you recommend it?




  1. Since that case when 2 russian adopted kids were beaten to death by an american couple, they have almost restricted foreigners from adopting russian babies...

    Anyhow, I don't think there is any difference when adopting children in any country, if very young there can't really be any difference.

    Concerning the adoption system, as I said it is very difficult to do so...

  2. I think you'd get more responses to your question if you post it in the Adoption section of Y!A.

    I have adopted two Russian children and I think they are, um, yes, I would recommend it. That said, there are additional complexities involved in parenting adopted children and even more complexities in parenting internationally adopted children. So there's lots of research and soul-searching to do before you even start. But... good luck on your (possible) journey!  

  3. i knew a couple who adopted a baby from Russia, but they went back to Russia. I lived in Russia, and visited the special places for orphaned and  given up children, some of the homes are in very poor condition and it breaks my heart to see children in those conditions, you can bring a lot of happines to a kid by adopting

  4. um no Russian children need Russia i know i do i miss it the fact that i moved here made me "bad and cold"! and very very angry at my mom lol cuz there is just no hot chicks over here !!! damnit!

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