
Anyone who has been satellite homeschooled

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i was wondering how much approx satellite homeschooling is for grades 8 -12th

any other information I should know that is important please share, thanks I apprecaite it.




  1. Each program is different.  You'll have to check with each separate program.

    Make sure you know specifically what you're asking about.  Most people I know use the term "satellite school" to mean that there is an actual bricks&mortar school someplace where kids go just like any regular public or private school, but homeschoolers' homes would be considered a "satellite" of this main school.  Part of it and answerable to it, but in their own home.  Kind of like Jupiter and its many moons.  The main school would either dictate a certain curriculum that must be used, OR the homeschool may have complete freedom to choose what and how and when they teach.  Either way, the main school requires grades and tests and such to be sent in periodically so they can keep records and transcripts and verify enrollment and other administrative record-keeping.

    There is also such a thing as having lessons delivered via a satellite dish installed, just like one that receives television and radio programming.  The household enrolls their children and have the right to record the transmitted classroom lessons for review for that school year.  Bob Jones University has this arrangement.

    There is also online schooling, where you order the books and such, and the lessons are on the internet, some to be completed online and some in the books.

    If I have misunderstood your question, I apologize.

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