
Anyone who has experience with alien abduction plz answer?

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ok so i was with this guy and he thought he, his mom, sister had been abducted in the past. Then after him moving in with me abductions started happening to the both of us! one night I felt their presence in the room and they stuck something inside me umm down there and a few weeks later I was pregnant with the son i have now? also the guy and i are 7 years apart but look an awful lot alike. the baby i had is beautiful there is something about him people of all nationalities adore him and its weird, most babies are cute and attract attention but not the way my son does. Also I have marks on my left forarm since i can remember but i was never injured and its not a birthmark. they are 2 indented parallel lines what are they? would aliens have marked me or implanted me? is my son possibly have alien or just human but they tampered with the process? it sounds crazy i just want to know. I am not a crazy person and i love my son he is my boy and i raise him in the babtist church.




  1. Again, it's saddening when someone asks for help and they are ridiculed and belittled by people who have no knowledge on the subject whatsoever. Oh and I love the old sleep paralysis explanation. That explains it all doesn't it? NOT!!!

    Does sleep paralysis explain a totally conscious middle of the day abduction? Oops, I just shattered your little explainable world now didn't I? I've had sleep paralysis and abduction experiences and they are totally different. But of course try explaining that to someone completely ignorant of the phenomenon.

    Luckily I see a few people have offered some help in regard to your questions. Perhaps there is some hope in the world after all.

    First let me tell you, you're not crazy. I have had experiences with the UFO phenomenon since I was five years old. I am not crazy either. On the contrary, I am a well adjusted 39 year old man with a computer science degree and numerous information technology certifications as well. I graduated with a 3.67 GPA and have a very well paying job. Oop's I just shattered the image of the hillbilly, uneducated, stereotypical, alien abductee.

    I have no doubt you love your son ma'am, as any mother should. I would however, be less concerned with wheather you son is a hybrid, and more concerned with indoctrinating him with religous dogma. As he grows up, that will be the last thing he needs, because he will not find the answers he is looking for there. I am not saying anything against Jesus Christ mind you, I'm only saying you'll have to give him more of an education than that.

    I would love to hear more of your experiences. I encourage you to read my blog on my own experiences as well.

    I also have a group on myspace that deals with these types of questions. I am the moderator and my group is completely free of ridicule. Please feel free to join.

    I hope you find the answers you seek and if I can help in any way please feel free to contact me through the above links.

    Thank you...


  2. You have got to be kidding me!?

  3. Um... is it possible that the pregnancy was caused by having s*x? (Or does he have his way with you at night when he thinks your asleep and blame the aliens?) Most mothers think their babies are the most adorable ever and that everyone loves them.

    Also, the abductions sound like sleep paralysis, a pretty common occurence where people are partly awake, but not fully concious, and theyre usually forgetten by morning. Traditionally they've always been tied in with local monsters. Maybe when you heard about the abductions you started interpreting your own sleep episodes as alien abductions?

    Dunno about the lines, theyre probably not anything special. Thats my viewpoint anyway. Life most certainly exists on other planets, but the keyword is OTHER - they haven't visited us.

  4. There are a few google videos about implants and probably scoop marks.I suppose there may be those who take skin samples other ways or use newer techniques.

    Here's another site with the so-called star child skull found in a cave.

    I bleieve there's something going on. In many ways; believeing in religion is just as, or even more crazy. Either way if you freak out over it you may needs psych. meds and therapy. The psychiatrist and therapists like to believe they can convince you that "you're" delusional. I choose to believe that they are instead.

  5. why don't you have DNA testing done on your son to identify if something is out of the ordinary.  DNA testing relies on comparing fragments of DNA (called “genetic loci” or simply “loci”) between an alleged parent and a child. A child receives one half of his DNA from the mother and the other one from the father moreover, the process is more or less random. This means that approximately half of all genes  between a parent and his/her child are identical. If your child is part alien, it will show up on the DNA test as something they cannot identify.

  6. Check yourself and your son into a hospital a get a thorough

    check up .

  7. I have seen abductions.   The Greys are a disorganized.   However, they do try to streer human reproduction, by abducting a guy and a girl, have them meet, the memory of this encounter.  So, when they do meet again, the Greys hope that to two will get together.


    The marks are actually tags, the composite materials that they use are so odd, that we have not figured out how it is possiable that multiple elements that can't be together are holding together.    When this tags/devices are attached, they are attached to nerves, so you WILL feel it when it is removed.  

    They Greys will impregnant a human woman, come back a few months later and remove the fetus.   The reason for the Human-Grey hybrid is because they are trying to save their species by introducing Human genes.  There is a very small difference between humans and greys, less than .05%.

    There is a theory that the Greys are afraid of taking the next evolutionary step.  There is also another theory that they are from the very distant future.

  8. my answer to your question is pretty much what ilikebeinglost's was, but do you honestly think putting your kid, who is to young to comprehend what religion is, in a church would really make him a better person?

  9. i found an article related to your question,and explain something similar,it would be interesting for you to read,check the link please,

  10. I agree with ilikebeinglost's post, and the two lines might be from something you slept on.

  11. i am sorry if something bad has happened..I do believe that aliens could have implanted something in order to study the human race..I don't think that they are evil. just knowledge us, but they have better technology.

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