
Anyone who has had back labor?

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Would back labor stay consistent or would it be like contractions and come and go? My back has been hurting all day, earlier it was just a back ache but now it's really starting to hurt bad, could he just be on a nerve? Baby is moving, he's actually being really aggressive and seems like he is trying to jump out of my skin, like my whole belly will jump it looks like. My water hasnt broke or anything, I wouldn't be on here if that happened, when I walk he is really really low. I'm 38 weeks and 6 days but scheduled for an induction in 5 days.




  1. I had labor in my back.Sometimes is you wait till your water breaks it's going to be too late you might just be having a baby at home. My second one they had to break my water. You need to go to the ER and be check out. It never hurts to be safe. Good Luck

  2. For me back labour was constant and didn't happen until I was ready to push.   The contractions came and went. but the back labour stayed.It could be or it could be that you are uncomfortable.  Good luck dear!

  3. I had back labor with my first son. That was 6 years ago. I know it was really bad. But I was being induce and was on iv that give you consent contractions that my back labor pain never went away.  

  4. It won't hurt to go to L&D if you want to get checked out and make sure everything is okay.  I would if I were you but that is me.  The worst thing that they can say is no you aren't having contractions and tell you to go home.

    Best of luck. Where do you live at I am in texas.  Where I went with my first child they were really nice about it.  They all understand.

  5. Honey get ready that baby is on the way!

  6. Back labor is tricky and feels differently to many people.  

    I had full on back labor.  However, I could tell when I was contracting.  This is how it felt for me.  I had a low dull backache.  Not to TMI, but I thought maybe I was constipated and tried to go to the bathroom.  I kept having stomach aches as well.  

    After several hours, the pains "fell into place". The back ache would worsen, the stomach ache would increase and finally ease off.  This turned into full contractions which started in the back and wrapped around my middle.  The best description is a boa constrictor squeezing you from the small of your back to your belly button.  As the pains increase, he squeezes tighter and for longer.

    My son was sitting on a nerve which made my back pain continually get worse and worse.

    It wouldn't hurt by any means to be checked, especially as your pain is increasing.  

    A good test is whether or not resting is helping and how you feel lying on your back.  If it doesn't matter if you are moving or resting, the pain is constant and if it hurts worse to lie on your back, I would assume that you are in labor and go to the hospital for a check.  

  7. If it is in the middle of your back it is likely it is just a back ache. If it were what they call back labor it would be much lower.

  8. Call your doctor and let them know, because it sounds like back labor to me.  That is how mine started.  Then it got worse, and eventually it moved from my back to my belly.  You poor thing, back labor is awful!  But, the good news is your baby will be here soon!!  Good luck!

  9. trust me i had back labor and it didnt "hurt bad" it hurt INSANE i had an achy back with the braxton hicks but after my water broke and i got to the hospital the pain in my back made me cry and want every drug in the hospital. lol i hope i didnt scare you on birth good luck and congrats.

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