
Anyone who has taken Ap European history???

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ok so I'm going to have ap european history as a sophomore..and i was wondering if its really THAT hard. I'm really nervous ..can u tell me what i should be expecting? any helpful tips are welcome.




  1. ok this is whats coming to you this year.


    do them all, AP teachers, can be nice, but they're strict.

    you're emphasizing on western europe, and will talk about easter europe when you get into WW2 and the cold war and the end of the year.

    many of the questions your teacher is going to give you on tests are from previous AP Exams, so that way you'll be prepared.

    DBQ essays will also be given to you, they are the easiest.

    Thematic essays are harder, you have to write them all from your own knowledge.

    pay attention in class, thats most important

  2. because its natural

  3. It's not terrible, my teacher tried to scare people for the first week so a lot of people dropped out, and as it went on the class got much easier. So just tough it out the first couple of weeks. Also, be sure to expect A LOT of reading that you'll actually have to do. I tried to avoid it and it's just not a good idea! Haha oh and good luck!!!!!

  4. Tip - if u take it, pik all WW2 and n**i related courses....there are more Documentaries and movies bout this topic than any other

  5. I took it and I didn't find it very hard, I was glad I took it because I found it very interesting, but that's just me. I found it easy because my euro teacher was like the best teacher in the entire school. As for what you can expect, if it's anything like my class you will take notes every class, and you will begin with around the 1500's (mabey earlier, can't remember exactly) and end around the 1990's. And I highly recomend that you get one of those ap euro test prep books if you plan on taking the ap test, I didn't get one and I wish that I did (I got a 3 but I know that if I had been more prepared I could have gotten a 4). Hope this helps and just relax, there's nothing to be nervous about, it's not like your entire future rests on this class.

  6. The material in AP courses are not more difficult than a standard course.    Although, you should except a lot of homework and papers to be completed in a short amount of time.  Also, good grades are more difficult to make because you are not in a class with average students.  Just keep up on your homework and you should be fine. It is definitely not a course for procrastination and laziness.  

  7. I'm a history nut, so it wasn't that difficult. Just develop those study habits now, it will be a lot easier in college. Trust me, I took AP classes in high school and it really prepared me for college.  

  8. I took AP Euro when I was a sophomore, too.  It's not hard if you put the time into studying.  Every teacher is different, but you should expect to take lots of notes in class, have a lot of reading assignments every night, and have tests that ask some very specific questions. Good luck!

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