
Anyone who has used Vitex...side effects?

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I recently started using Vitex, and am wondering if anyone else has experienced any side effects from its use.

I noticed it has caused my urine to change from virtually clear (i drink a lot of water/8-10 glasses a day) to highlighter yellow. Is this normal?




  1. if you're multi has vitamin B in it, this is what changes your pee colour. I take vitex and I've never had any side effects.

  2. Any time you have an increase in Vitamin B-2, your urine will have more of a bright yellow color... that's a perfectly normal and safe effect (it's actually the excess B-2 being urinated out). When urine turns to more of a yellow color, that's perfectly safe in most cases and nothing to worry about unless it turns several shades darker of yellow suddenly (which is very rare).

    The only actual warnings listed on Vitex/Chasteberry are to not use if you are pregnant. Hardly anyone is allergic to it, though. It sounds like you're fine.

  3. I think you colorful urine is due to the vitamin pill. This is because Vitamin B2, Riboflavin, is very yellow, and goes from your stomach to your blood stream to your bladder, as the excess riboflavin you absorb but your body does not use gets eliminated.

    PS: the "flavin" in Riboflavin refers to its yellow color. "Flavens" means yellow in Latin.

  4. The others are right that it's probably the Vita B.  Here's some info on Vitex, it that's helpful:

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