
Anyone who have knowledge about SCHIZOPHRENIA... i NEEEEED yer opinion:)?

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do you think i have it? btw, i know that you are not a doctor:) i just want to ask and know other's opinion. here are my symptoms....

a schizophrenic person have this symptoms right?

Distorted Perceptions of Reality - um for couple of months i am battling my problem alone (but i am looking for a psych) and havn't really had a goood conversation w/ a friend or someone (because im always awkward and looking for solutions thats why i dont want to see anyone) and i think i started to have confusion in reality? i think so.i feel like im in a diff world!. my gahd.

hallucinations or illusions: umm i dont really hear a voice.. but i talk to myself in my head. its like im trapped in my head because like i said for a couple of months i havn't actually expressing what's in my head until little by little starting to talk to myself.

delusions: it means false personal beliefs.. well.. i don't think the tv is talking to me. but sometimes i feel like some poeple knows what im thinking.. being too paranoid i guess. i feel like they feel that im awkward w/c is true. and i hate it!

disordered thinking: yep! very.. i can't concentrate.

emotional expression: i uhh... when im with friends i always try to smile/laugh/make none sense jokes. but when at home sometimes im always blah. emotionless.

i dont really know! help me pls!




  1. You seem to have anxiety not schizophrenia.   Racing thoughts in your head is anxiety.  Maybe you are just going Through a weird phase it doesn't sound like schizophrenia to me though.    Once you get a psychologist you should tell them how you are feeling and they will diagnose you.  You shouldn't assume you are schizophrenic.

  2. No, none of what you're describing sounds like schizophrenia.

    Auditory Hallucinations in schizophrenia don't mean having a conversation in your head. They mean hearing voices as if someone were standing next to you talking. They sound real. Not like thoughts.

    Delusions don't just mean false personal beliefs. They're beliefs that are unshakable even in the face of clear evidence to the contrary. So at most, the thought that people can read your thoughts is a bizarre idea, but unless you're unshakably convinced of it, it's not a delusion and wouldn't qualify as a symptom of schizophrenia (although a lot of bizarre ideas might qualify you as having schizotypal personality or some kind of pre-schizophrenia state).

    Disordered thinking isn't the same thing as not being able to concentrate. Not making sense, or bizarre speech, or speech that goes off on lots of strange tangents is more what they mean by a thought disorder.

    Feeling emotionless or blah *could* be a symptom of schizophrenia. But I doubt it in your case. It's also a symptom of depression, or just not feeling good about your life or yourself. Not being able to concentrate is also a symptom of depression. As is not wanting to see anyone. A lot of what you're talking about also sounds like self-consciousness or social problems (maybe social anxiety). Which can be normal if you're young - or can be excessive.

  3. well for me it doesn't seem like you have schizophrenia. But i could be wrong but i have it so i do know about it and what not.

    You could have some sort of schizophrenia or somewhat on the lines because of your hallucinations, and phychiatrists can give you something to help with that.

    But yes try and get to see someone, but this will take time.

  4. i get this exact same thing. like, exactly. and i am trying to figure out what it is. but i don't think it is schizophrenia.

  5. Kate Q answered very well. So I would follow her info. I know from personal experience that when I heard voices it sounded real and I had no idea where they were coming from. Usually the voices were just my name being called over and over or sometimes the voices would say insulting things like f**k you.

    As far as delusions go I had I didn't have a full blown delusional episode more like paranoia which consisted of me thinking that people were always looking at me when I went to the store or when I heard someone laugh I thought they were laughing at me.

    When it came to disordered thinking I had very slow memory recall and when I tried to talk I would stop mid sentence when trying to convey an idea to someone and I would have a hard time just getting the words out.

    I remember my emotional expression wasn't the greatest I was very unhappy no matter where I was. I think your thinking of flat affect which is a facial expression that doesn't change usually a constant frown I don't know if I had that or not.

    I know the above info as I went through it when I went downhill almost two years ago. My diagnoses has change from being a psychotic nos to bipolar to schizoaffective disoder to finally psychotic depression. So my point is that your symptoms could mean many things and if it is causing a problem you should talk to a general practioner and get a refferal to a psych. Now I'm doing good I take an anti depressant and an anti psychotic and I can hold down a job and I am even stating to live again.  

    As you said most of us on yahoo are not pyschs so we cannot diagnose you and you shouldn't listen to anyone that tries to do so. Some people are saying you may have anxiety I don't know, but you should still see someone if it's causing you trouble.

    Good luck!

  6. im not sure if your schitzophrenic, but im not sure cuz i think i am too. but i really think you should find a good dr. cuz they will be able to tell you if you are and how to help, wether you are a schitzo or not. GL!

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