
Anyone who is a mom...

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Ok i know this sounds really weird. But I'm an only child and i LOVE little kids, i don't see them much and when i get to hold a baby or play with a kid its just so fun for me. And i just want one, im 13 and i have thought about it, and i really want to have my first baby when i am 16. I love them. Can you please let me know some stuff about it or anything helpful. Or anything at all. And if you think you can help me furthar or want to talk leave your email. Thanks.




  1. You think a baby at 16 is the answer to your problems. You think a baby will bring you happiness but this is not so. Seek happiness from within and recognize that in order to give a baby what they need - you will not be able to provide as a 16 year old mother. Having a baby at 16 is irresponsible and if you truly love the child you won't put them through this. Finish High School, go to college or a tech school, get married, get a good job. Enjoy your life, your husband, your friends and when the time is right in there - bring a child into the world. But please be careful that you're not looking to this small child to erase other unhappiness. You're 16 and you will undergo a lot of emotional changes between now and your 20s - a baby isn't like a cat or a dog that you can give back to the pound if it doesn't work out. It's forever.

  2. You really should wait. You need a chance to experience life. I had my first at 18 and what started to happen was even though I was married and wanted to be a mom more than anything in the world. I began to resent the fact that I did not get to go out with friends or go to college. Do yourself a favor and wait until you are able to experience life at 21. Babies are very hard.......  

  3. I would say wait till you have your education completed.  Life may be difficult for a teenage mother and her child. Teen mothers are more likely to drop out of high school than girls who delay childbearing. Only 40 percent of teenagers who have children before age 18 go on to graduate from high school, compared to 75 percent of teens from similar social and economic backgrounds who do not give birth until ages 20 or 21 (2).

    About 78 percent of children born to an unmarried teenage high-school dropout live in poverty, compared to 9 percent of children born to women over age 20 who are married and high school graduates (11). A child born to a teenage mother is 50 percent more likely to repeat a grade in school and is more likely to perform poorly on standardized tests and drop out before finishing high school (2).  

  4. yes don't do it till your older, ive just had my first at 28 and its hard work, your responsible for this little person they depend on you for everything. t sixteen your still a child yourself, live your life while you can

  5. Are u crazy!! what would ur parents say about this? i don't think that u should have a baby but instead try babysitting if you really like children. Hope i gave some good advice.

  6. I had my daughter at 20 and I still ft like I missed out on alot you really should wait, babies aren't just fun they are a lot of work! You don't understand that now because you only see the fun but it's not fun getting woken up at all hours and not being able to do what you want when you want. It really changes your life and you just aren't ready to be a mom at 16, no-one really is.  You need the chance to have life experiences that you can use to teach our child when they grow up.
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