
Anyone who is creative help?

by Guest59604  |  earlier

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Okay so I have to think of a good idea for a potion. I need to think up an advertisement. I'm 15, so that means I need something appealing to 9th graders. Don't make it corny like a love,magic potion or like three wishes. Be original please help!




  1. A homework potion.  It gives you the intelligence and speed to whizz through your homework in only three minutes.

  2. hmmmm a potion....well im not sure how to make one....but i can give you some a money to litteraly make money....or a potion to be an instint celebrity.....or....a celeb wreck..(britney spears, lindsy lohan....)...or a potion to live forever....idk...i hope these help...let me know how your project goes......good luck

  3. It depends most on what your theme is but if you dont know here's a random advertisement for sneakers:

    show pictures of a geeky boy, a poplular girl, an athlete student, an artist student,  a musician student, a community service student, an emo you know mix them all, but let them all wear  the same sneakers only differnt colors, and then put a sentence like : who said we dont have anything in common ? Sneakers bring us closer. Dare us to be friends

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