
Anyone who is good at writing and has read the scarlet letter. read pleeease im in dire need of help?

by  |  earlier

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Well im supposed to write an essay on whether or not the scarlet letter is puritanical or romantic.

well..heres the assignment exactly..

Agree or sisagree with hawthornes assertion that his novel reflects romantic ideals or will be assessed on your ability to write persuasive discourse as characterized by clear and relevant assertions, implicit and explicit textual evidence, as presented in a logical and effective structure. furthermore, the writing must exhibit sophisticated phrasing and elevated word choice.

ok so i wrote the intro..but i dont think it meets thosee^^^ standards..can someone send me their name or something and read it for me and help me out a little..

pleasee :D





  1. I have not read The Scarlet Letter, but there are a number of on line study guides, and quite a few other resources on the Internet that can help you with this novel.  Most of them have good information.  Have a look at these sites, and you should get some help with your work.  If you do a search here in the Yahoo Answers search window you will find additional help because hundreds of questions have been asked here about The Scarlet Letter.

  2. Its a romantic themed story in a puritanical setting. Its easy to find it hard to separate one from the other, but the big reason why I say its romantic is Hester Prynne refuses to name her "baby's daddy" on matters of principle, instead choosing a life marred by her badge(s) of shame (both the daughter herself and the actual letter). The fact that she is willing to protect the good name of Dimmesdale, the minister, who got her all preggers in the first place screams of the romantic ideals of love, self sacrifice, etc.

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