
Anyone who is or knows a pharmacist..??

by Guest62219  |  earlier

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Im thinking about being one and I need to know if its a good profession and if you or the person you know that is a pharmasist likes it or would suggest it.




  1. Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians are in high demand. Both are very secure jobs, and pharmacists have starting salaries around $100,000 in most states. The school work can be grueling, but if you are interested in helping someone from a therapeutic point of view, a career is Pharmacy is probably for you. Pharmacists at hospitals often work in a therapy team, consisting of doctors and nurses. The doctors diagnose the problem, consult the pharmacist on proper therapy and medication, and the nurse administers the treatment.

  2. In these days of lay off s and retrenchments , the job opportunities for pharmacists and other paramedics is increasing. Even if  there is World War lll , doctors and paramedics  will be needed in more numbers.It is a good profession. Gives professional and monetary satisfaction.

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