
Anyone who knows about laws and stuff?

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943.41(5)(a) Credit Card-Fraudulent Use (<=$2500)

Expunge w/ pay amount due

Forfeiture / Fine

what does this mean?? what happened? what did she do?




  1. 943.41(5)(a)

    943.41 is the code used to identify this crime/

    (5) is the section applied from that code used

    (a) is the subsection to read about what the charge exist of.

  2. MOST LIKELY: She was probably ARRESTED for useing someone&#039;s credit card without that person&#039;s permission.

    Now the rest depends on the state where the arrest occurred, but...

    ... after the arrest they either decided not to prosecute her (lack of evidence, arrested the wrong person, she actually had the cardholders permission, etc);  OR, they did prosecute her for the crime and she agreed to a plea that involved deferred adjudication (delayed judgement of guilt/innocence)-basically like probation-and completed that successfully.

    Either way, once the issue was resolved, she attempted to have the incident permanently erased/removed from her record. *This part is important-if she had done whatever she was supposed to to complete the expunction, she could LEGALLY say she has never been arrested for/charged with any crime. If you get something expunged it is like it NEVER happened!*

    However, I&#039;m just guessing here, but it looks like she didn&#039;t pay all of the fines either for crime restitution, or fines associated with the expunction process. (It&#039;s not cheap!) So, because she didn&#039;t pay all the necessary fines, it is still on her record and she must legally (like on a job application, etc) admit to being arrested and maybe charged with a crime. Depending on the circumstances she may be able to truthfully say she was never convicted of the crime.

  3. Codes vary from each state, but Credit Card/Fraud. Use: means she used a card not her own for over $2500 which is sure to be a felon. Expunge means it was or will be taken off her record once the amount in paid in full. She must forfeit the card or credit card information and pay a fine and probably court cost. with this type of consequence or lack of-it was likely to be a family members or friend plus likely first offense. Luck girl

  4. Apparently this happened in Wisconsin. That is the statute titled &quot;Financial transaction card crimes&quot;, in other words, she used a stolen or forged credit card. Because it was less than $2500, it is a Class A Misdemeanor. This means the maximum penalty is a $10,000 fine, 9 months in jail, or both. She will also be required to pay restitution.

    Here is the actual statute:


    1. No person shall, with intent to defraud the issuer, a person or organization providing money, goods, services or anything else of value or any other person:  Use, for the purpose of obtaining money, goods, services or anything else of value, a financial transaction card obtained or retained by theft;  or a financial transaction card which the person knows is forged, expired or revoked.

  5. The expunge W/pay amount due - this could mean that due to age or first offence that this person has been given a &quot;warning&quot; or had this particular crime removed from the official record.

    The forfeiture fine would mean to me that maybe there was another offence as well... or the property was forfeited and she also had a fine

  6. expunge meas it was erased, can&#039;t be anything too major

  7. Used a stolen credit card for less than $2500.  Will have conviction expunged if she pays credit card back, a fine and court costs.

    FYI, this will always show up in a background check?  No such thing as expunged.

  8. It means someone used a credit card that they were not authorized to use.  If the amount is paid, the charge will be expunged (deleted), but a fine is also due.

  9. It means she used someone&#039;s card without permission...either stealing or borrowing. And she spent less than $2500.

    Expunge w/pay amount due means it was removed from her record so long as she doesn&#039;t commit another theft-related case. Also, for restitution she has to pay the amount she spent to the victim.

  10. It is Negotiating with a Worthless Negotiating Instrument (NWNI).

    The &#039;she&#039; can take this off her record if she pays the amount due.  If &#039;she&#039; refuses to pay, she could be imprisoned or fined and it will not be expunged.

  11. It means someone stole a credit card and spent at least $2500 which means since it was over $500 it is now a felony

  12. This means that whoever this person is took someone else&#039;s credit card/transaction device and used it, and was charged with it criminally.  She was convicted of using it and charging less than or equal to 2,500$.  The 2nd line means it will be taken off of her record if she pays the fine that she was given (which usually includes paying back the money that was stolen) and the 3rd line means that if she doesn&#039;t pay it back she will be fined again and it won&#039;t be taken off her record.

    Also, it will not be able to be seen in a regular background check that she was convicted of this, however it will always be able to be found that she was arrested for it with no disposition, usually meaning that the charges were dropped for whatever reason.

    Hope this helps =)

  13. It means she probably took someones credit card and used it to buy stuff.

  14. Your friend applied for a credit card using a bogus name! she then purchased sh*t with an amount of $2,500 dollars. Now she might be doing a little time, for the stupidest sh*t ever.

  15. someone was charged with using a credit card fradulently, amount was less than $2500, if that amount is paid in full the record will be expunged (basically erased), and person will have to pay a fine


  17. It means she used someone elses credit card and if she pays $2500 it will be erased off of her criminal record.

  18. Stealing for a living!

    This type of scam costs us all money!

    Good friend!

  19. &quot;Correction&quot;

    As far as I can tell from your &quot;question,&quot; (and I&#039;m giving you the greatest amount of slack when I say &quot;question&quot;), my answer would have to be s****. Do, what&#039;samatteryou and GMAFB!

  20. The numbers refer to an actual penal code reference # that explains the offense.

    When the fine is payed the crime noted will be erased from said file.

    The person used someone elses credit card wrongfully and must pay the money back to get the charge off there criminal history.

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