
Anyone who recently got a bfp and checks cervix position?

by Guest66438  |  earlier

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I know most sites say you can't detect early pregnancy by your cp but a few said it is possible. I am 9 dpo and I guess looking for some hope because I have been testing with only bfn's...I know it's early but I really have a feeling this month and the bfn's have me down. I used the opk's and I regularly check my cm and cp so I know how it feels during my cycle days. I am 6 days away from af and usually at this time, my cervix is low, hard and dry, but this time it has not really come down after ovulation so it is still high, soft and I have lot's of white lotiony cm. Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated...Good luck and tons of baby dust to all ttc'ers:)




  1. mine is always soft 10dpo up until i test cycles i have been pregnant.

    high or low it's hard to tell because it won't really rise until a little later on.

  2. **** you you ******* ****.

  3. the cervix cannot tell you if your pg? My cervix was high and my cevical o's were closed and then they opened up and my af came so dont go by your cp. It can help but its not that accurate.  

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