
Anyone who speaks French help me out?

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Can u give me some nicknames for Facebook nicknames app. I want to give it to someone who is just trying to study French.

Something funny, endearing, flattering in the area of someone who's a student. nothing rude please. I would prefer a single word if it exist in French (like "Student of life") but it can also be several words. Please give a translation also.

some i thought of that needs translation:

French wannabe

skinny french chick (skinny in the negative sense)

french lover (again in a teasing context, nothing sexual)

please be creative and correct. thanks




  1. Why not "Marianne", one of the symbols of the French revolution and the French state?

    Or else "Tricoteuse" ('female knitter'), after the old women who used to sit around the guillotine knitting during the French revolution. Like Madame Defarge in "A Tale of Two Cities".

    Or "Pétroleuse" ('petrol thrower', arsonist'), after the myth of the female supporters of the Paris Commune, who were accused of burning down much of Paris during the last days of the Commune in May 1871.

  2. Student of Life > Étudiant de vie

    French wannabe > Wannabe français

    skinny french chick > poussin français maigrichon

    french lover > amant français

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