
Anyone who speaks Spanish and can read it PLEASE!!?

by Guest63158  |  earlier

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Hey, I'm taking a Spanish class for school but my teacher is really stupid and doesn't explain ****! UGH! So I would really really appreciate it if you guys can help me out PLEASE! please tell me what these phrases mean...

la nariz

el ojo

la boca

la mano

el dedo

el brazo

el pie

la pierna

and what does "la" mean and what does "el" mean. I think la means "the" but I'm not sure. And what about when you are saying the time and you go "Son las" or "Es las" What do they mean and what's the difference?

also how do you say ear in Spanish??

Thanks so much I really can't thank you guys enough!! =))))))))




  1. la nariz - the nose

    el ojo - the eye

    la boca - the mouth

    la mano - the hand

    el dedo - the finger

    el brazo - the arm

    el pie - the foot

    la pierna - the leg

    la and el do mean the just that la refers to feminine words and el refers to masculine. generally speaking, words ending with o are masculine and words ending with a are feminine.

    when telling time, if the time is more greater then one, (ex.. 3:00, 2:00 and so on) you would say "son las" because the hour is more than one (plural). if it is one o'clock or one something (ex. 1:30) you would say "es la" because the hour is one and it is singular.

    ear - oreja

  2. nose








  3. I guess you are the stupid person in your class.They are not phrases but nouns.Nose,eye,mouth,hand,finger[toe],ar... and el are the definite articles. Son las nueve-it is nine o'clock.Es la una-it is one o'clock, Ear-el oido.

    Listen to your teacher and love him[her]

  4. The words mean (in order):

    the nose

    the eye

    the mouth

    the hand

    the finger

    the arm

    the foot

    the leg

    La and El both mean "the" but are used depending on the noun. Nouns in Spanish have a gender and are either masculine or feminine. In general, nouns ending in "O's" are masculine and those ending in "A's" are feminine, though there are some exceptions to the rule. Masculine nouns use the definite article "el", thus "el dedo" from above. Feminine nouns use the article "la" and so we have "la boca" form above. "Son las" means "They are the" or "You guys are". You wouldn't say "Es las" because "es" is singular while "las" is plural and it doesn't make sense. Ear in Spanish is "La Oreja" for the outside part of the ear and "El oído" for the inside part of the ear.

  5. la nariz: The nose

    el ojo: The eye

    la boca: The mouth

    la mano: The hand

    el dedo: The finger

    el brazo: The arm

    el pie: The foot

    la pierna: The leg

    "La" means feminine or femenino in spanish: When you talk to a woman

    "El" means masculine or masculino in spanish: When you talk to a man

    "Son las" its plural.

    "Es la" its singular.

    Ear in spanish is oreja.

  6. la nariz: the nose

    el ojo: the eye

    la boca:the mouth

    la mano:the hand

    el dedo: the finger

    el brazo:the arm

    el pie: the foot

    la pierna:the leg

    ''La'' and ''el'' both mean the but you use ''la'' for female nouns and you use ''el'' for male nouns for example if you're saying THE GIRL in spanish you say LA NIÑA and if you want to say THE BOY in spanish  you say EL NIÑO.


  7. The nose  -  La nariz

    The eye - El Ojo

    The mouth - La boca

    The hand - La mano

    The finger - El dedo

    The arm - El brazo

    The foot - El pie

    The leg - La pierna

    -   "La" means "the" in femenine...words in femenine mostly end in "a"

    "El" means "the" in masculine...words mostly ended in "o"

    There are some exceptions for this, and you'll learn in the future...

    -    About the time, you use "son las" at every hour except for 1.

    "Son las 12 de la mañana"

    "Son las 6 de la tarde"

    Es la it's for 1

    "Es la 1 de la mañana"

    - The ear- la oreja

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