
Anyone who works a PRN shift?

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I'm applying for a CNA position at a hospital until I have enough saved to go to nursing school, and the main shift they have available is PRN. I know that it means I'd work "as needed", but for anyone with experience in a PRN shift at a hospital, how far in advance, usually, do you know when you'll be working? I have to get a babysitter for my daughter, and it would be hard if I had to call them last minute. Thanks




  1. That depends on where you work. However Prn means YOU tell THEM when you're available.  PRN is unreliable, though, for income. During peak months (AUG-MAR) try to get all your hours in because you can get called off a lot when it's slow.  

  2. I'm a PRN shift-worker myself.  Most healthcare facilities (hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, etc.), have a policy that PRN workers must be confirmed some hours in advance (12 or 24 tend to be standards) before missing the shift is considered a disciplinary issue.

    So if the hospital is short staffed for a particular shift, the charge nurse (or whomever is in charge of staffing) will call PRN workers to fill gaps anywhere from hours to days in advance.  In every facility in which I've worked, it's been understood or even policy that the PRN shift worker has a right to refuse to fill a shift if he/she is unavailable.  

    The problems arise if a PRN worker never accepts any shifts, and is unable to fill his/her minimum quota for employment during a given amount of time (it was 10 shifts per year at my last hospital).  Also problematic is if a PRN worker accepts a shift assignment, but then cancels or doesn't show up - but that's a problem not specific to just PRN workers.

    You should be fine if you schedule around your babysitting needs.  Just make sure you meet the minimum shift requirement for PRN workers for your particular facility.  Also, be sure you get the specific policies of your facility in writing so you can follow them as best as possible.

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