
Anyone whos 13 and lives in cardiff ?

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omg anyone hear 13 and lives in cardiff ? there is nothing to do apart from go shopping and go to the cineas which i do all the time ? any ideas for a good day out with frends ?? nothing BIBLICAL !




  1. Why not go Iceskating in the bay (near morrisons) or bowling @ hollywood bowl in atlantic wharf?

    they're fun =)

  2. were is cardiff?.. sounds like baytown where im at... lately I've been wanting to go to this lake that isn't to far away... but when i was 13 sometimes me and my friends would do each others make up, dress in different outfits, put a white sheet over a curtin and take pictures of each other... sounds corney, but it really was fun... what's wrong with biblical stuff? I have fun when me and my youth group get together?

  3. OAKWOOD!:D i am 14, do alot of sports its fun! lol, theres lots to do, swimming down bay, ice skating, Cardiff Bay, Beaches in the Vale

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