
Anyone with 1stQuote home insurance UK ?

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Im asking if anyone has a policy note, my bike got stolen from town - locked to a non - removable object.

Am I covered.

There policy not really dont make sence, and is missing lines!




  1. It's difficult to say without seeing your policy booklet (which you say is incomplete anyway) but many policies will cover theft of cycles away from the home as long as they are not left unattended.

    If you want, I'll gladly take a look at your policy booklet for you to see if I can help. Message me if you'd like some help.

  2. Normally bikes are insured separately as an additional named item, and are not included in the contents of a home insurance policy.

    Unless you have specifically put your bike as an additional item, and paid an additional premium it may not be covered.

  3. This would probably be excluded. (Away from the home, unspecified item) Most cheap Insurance will have loads of exclusions. Better to get the terms of the policy clear BEFORE you have a claim. Basically insurance is a swiz that we have to have. My contents policy cost £140 a year, to cover my daughters camera, value £300 (for two weeks holiday) cost £53!!!

    Of course this did cover any unspecified item up to £1000

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