
Anyone with Practical Knowledge of Divorce Law in China?

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I live in the UK and I'm married to a national of the People's Republic of China. She returned to China some months ago and now says she wants a divorce. I would not consent to this.

However, she seems to think that not only can she divorce me without my consent but even without my knowledge. She says she could go to a court in China, apply for a divorce and get one within 3-6 months without me even being aware of it.

There's nothing in the information I can find on the web on divorce in China which says this. As far as I can see the courts will normally require some kind of mediation to take place between the parties to try and rescue the marriage. Chinese law also seems to have similar criteria to UK law for divorce (adultery, several years of separation etc).

It seems strange to me that you could divorce someone like that without them even knowing. Is there anyone out there with practical knowledge of how divorce works in China who could advise me on this?




  1. Sorry, I can't help. But I have to say something about this. Being Chinese and all, I think I can understand your wife. If she wants a divorce, then let her. If you love her, then that's another story. Talk this out first before doing something you'll regret. Good Luck!! I mean it.

  2. i know the chinese lie about gymnasts ages.

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