
Anyone with a good memory?

by Guest56560  |  earlier

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I kind of pride myself of having a good memory, i can remember things for a long time, pointless things, almost everything I do every day for a few weeks I remember. And there are even tricks to do to learn it. But most people i know always say they don't know 'they have a c**p memory' - so just asking how many people here consider themselves to have a good memory?




  1. I have a good memory. I'd say my long term memory is really good, and short term memory is a little above average.

  2. i gotta good memory but sometimes i forget what i was going ...............oh great now i cant remember my wife's name... where am i?

  3. My long term memory is very good, but my short term memory is a liitle unreliable.

  4. very, however it doesn't always stand me in good stead, as i can remember lots of trivia, absolute rubbish, as well as useful stuff.  

    I often win at quizzes,  because of my useless knowledge.  

  5. I have no idea. I forgot to take my memory pills, so- umm..... huh?

  6. im the same i remember silly pointless things that go back so far as to when i was still in nappies in my cot, but i cant remember important academic things say for in exams as such. arghh! i like my memory though actually =]

  7. having my kids till reality kicked in

  8. as you get older the more c**p it is

  9. My long term memory is amazing I can remember thing from when I was 2. Smells, tastes, weather etc.. My short term memory is dreadful. I will walk into another room with the intention of doing something and then completely forget.

  10. tricks to improve memory !!!  TELL ME DUDE!

       MY MEMORY IS REALLY wat was i talkin about again?

  11. I have a retarded memory.. Like a week from now i wont remember what i did today but then months from now i will..

    i dont understand it...and i will remember every detail and things i said and watched and overheard.. weird.

  12. what did you say again ?

  13. I have an excellent memory.  I can even remember most of the names of the children I went to primary school with and see their faces in my mind's eye.  I am 63 years old.

  14. I suffer from CRS. I'm doing good to remember what happened 10 minutes ago.

  15. Good memory for recent things but poor long term memory.  Hopefully, this is a sign that I won't get Alzheimer's Disease because the opposite would be true.  I am 56 in a week's time.

  16. Eidetic in my case and, believe me, that's more of a curse than a blessing. You can't imagine how awful it is when bad and painful memories fail to dim and fade over time, remaining stark and vivid in your mind, apparently forever.

  17. Good long tern memory but c**p at short term!

  18. I have a very good memory, I've alot in common with you, some times that makes me crazy because it's really hard to have a lot to think about,I W ISH I HAVE A BAD MEMORY

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