
Anyone with a pet bird answer this please!!?

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we got a pet bird yesterday, and we were told it'll be scared for a 1-2 days.

its the second day, and we are trying to get it out of its cage..any tips? its young...(5 months)





  1. Give it time to get used to you, leave tthe cage open and whistle to it(mine lovesssss to get whisled to).

    Talk to itt every day, but dont get so close tthat you scare itt.

  2. I would suggest making sure doors and windows are shut and other domestic predatory animals don't have access. Then open the cage and leave the cage door open for quite a long time. It probably likes the safety the cage offers and needs time to get used to the new surroundings and you. Just go on about your business, almost to the point of ignoring it... don't try to force the bird to come to you. Birds are curious and, once it realizes that the coast is clear and you and it's surroundings are safe, it'll want to explore. It'll come out of it's cage on it's own and more than likely, will climb around on top of the cage. Just let it explore the outside of the cage. Occasionally, come over to the cage and talk, whistle, make noises at it, but don't try to touch it. Allow it the experience of being safe with the cage door open/on the cage/around you without being poked/prodded. Once the bird is comfortable hanging out on the cage and around you, try getting it to "step up" on your fingers. Place first two fingers just above the feet, lightly touching the bottom of the bird's chest. If the bird runs away, don't chase want it to come to you. It could take some time, but it'll be worth it ;o). Sometimes young birds don't get the whole "step up" thing so be patient. As long as the bird isn't trying to get away from you, keep (very lightly) nudging the bird right at the bottom of the chest. Help it along if it looks like it's trying to "step up", but just having a coordination/balance issue. It may take a little more then 2 days...all depending on the kind of bird and how the bird has been handled so far...although young birds are more resilient. Just be patient and'll get there and you'll forge a great relationship.

  3. Congratulations on your new bird. Typically a bird will feel unjust in a new environment for a week or so, but there are a few ways to relax your bird into feeling more comfortable with its surroundings. When talking to your bird be sure to have a soft submissive tone to your voice, put fresh fruit, vegetables, and seed according to your birds species. I myself own 4 cockatiels, 2 boys 2 girls, and i always feed them the cocatiel mix from they have some good quality mixes and they send it to my house, witch saves me gas. =)

  4. If its scared give it some time 2 get used 2 humans first.


    if u traumatize it now it may not like coming out for a very long time.

    unfortunalty that happened 2 my bird and she sits there being her bum self.

  5. The adjustment period is different for different species and individuals.  For such a young bird, I would say leave it alone for at least a week, unless it is looking curious.  Do NOT try to force it out!  Birds can easily be frightened and they remember things that happen when they are young.  If you force it out, it will have trouble trusting you.  

    When the bird is more active (playing with toys, singing, being curious) try talking to it and being close so it gets used to you.  This is a really good article that walks through the whole process:

    Good luck to you!

  6. It's only the second day. Leave the bird alone until it's completely relaxed in it's cage (2 days isn't going to do it). Once the bird seems relaxed in it's cage then you can try and work with it. Leave the cage open and let the bird come out on it's own. Less stressful and if anything frightens it, it has the option to retreat back to it's safe spot.

  7. i got a pet bird about a year ago. i was in the same situation as you and let me tell you that you have to let the bird get adjusted. you need to take it out yourself and it will bite you because its scared, but after a while it won't bite anymore.

    p.s if i were you i would have gotten another bird so it wouldn't be lonely. i think you should too it will be a happy bird.

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