
Anyone with experience taking Tegretol, please help?

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I am in need of a mood stabilizer to help with ADHD and depression, possibly low grade bipolar.

I took Lamictal in the past and did very poorly. I was forgetful, spaced out, lost hair, weight and became a total slug. My husband begged me to go off it.

I've been doing well on Wellbutrin for quite a while, but my temper has been flaring recently. My doc fist suggested Topamax, but after consulting his partner, prescribed Tegretol.

I have it now and am almost afraid to take it. My biggest fear is fatigue--I have enough already.

Please let me know if you take this. Is it helpful? Was the start up period difficult?

Thanks for any info.




  1. I am bi-polar and I take Invega and it seems to be doing wonders havnt had a depressed mood or even a high in over a year now. Topamax is a good medication also the plus side of it is side effect weight loss. Tegretol has been so long since i have taken it it didnt work for me.

  2. I think its working so far. I'm on 200mg twice a day. The doc just increased my dose to 300mg 2x daily but I haven't started that yet. I do feel more stable but its not doing anything for my depression. So far the side effects seem to be mild headaches. I havent noticed any nausea or increased hunger.

    Best of luck to you :]

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