
Anyone with ice Pica (pagophagia) or knows someone who does?

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Just looking for someone willing to share their stories about ice Pica... I have become interested in learning more about this condition lately, and think that my dad possibly may have a mild form of it?

Or then again it could just be that he enjoys being annoying to my mom... lol. Whenever he has ice in a restaurant for soda, etc. he will fill the cup mostly full, so there is a lot left at the end, and chews most of it. He rarely chews ice at home though...




  1. yes, I have this, it is soo normal for me to do this anywhere that I dont even know I am chewing it, but apparently everybody around me knows, I probably eat over 200 pieces of ice a day, I have had people tell me that it is an iron deficiency, which mkes sense to me because I am anemic

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