
Anyone won a million dollars?

by  |  earlier

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I learned just recently that I have won a million dollars in the lottery (even though I never bought a ticket). All I have to do is send off my bank details and the money will be paid directly into my account). I have done some idiotic things, but even I am not that stupid. Anyone else found themselves 'surprise' winners of a fortune?




  1. to claim your million bucks just email me the following;

    account number

    sort code

    ni number

    date of birth

    mothers maiden name

  2. Yep..... Every day I win something by email.......I ain't seen any of my winning as yet,,,,,but I live in hope !!!

  3. By the spammers i would be a multi

  4. If I claimed all of the lottery money that I have won in just the past 6 months, I'd be richer than Bill Gates!  This is a scam and your bank account will be gladly drained if you submit any banking information.  If it looks too good to be probably is too good to be true!

  5. Last year I received a letter with a check that seemed so legit, that I really wondered if it was.  I took it to my banker and he said it was a scam.  He said many people had been convinced it was real and he couldn't talk them into just trashing it.  It ended up costing them lots of money.  So, beware of the scam artists.  They are getting really good at their game.

  6. yes got loads of them south african and south american emails ive added them all up and i have infact won 223 million us dollars

    shall we share it ?

  7. I've gotten lots of e-mails like that and they are all scams.  I buy tickets for my state's lottery games sometimes, but they would never send a notification - you have to look up your numbers yourself.  They don't know who all bought the winning tickets.

  8. Yeah! I've gotten e-mails like that. It's the biggest scam there is. I think it originated in South Africa or some place?

  9. Look up:

    419 Scam

    Nigerian Scam

    Romance Scam

    all on google please and save yourself a LOT of trouble.

    It's a scam.  It's probably some foreign country's lottery, right?  Either The Big Bank of Nigeria, London, or Wales?

    Or have you received notice that your rich uncle that you never knew existed died?

    And is the writing in horrible syntax? "Hi sir we're should inform you that like you are the sole heir after many lawyers ated many mushrooms and found you to be be the only decedent of a rich king or Blahbekistan..."

    If any of these apply, read up on the 3 things mentioned above.

  10. every day

  11. I've gotten several, they're all scams!

  12. All the time, seems like a daily thing for me.

  13. winnin the lotto is taking a pig out of the mud and putting him in a 5 star hotel

  14. lol apparently i won millions every week and some of the prettiest women on earth want to date me because of my profile...

  15. oh yea a few times, total c**p cant beleive there are peopl dumb enuf to fall for it!

  16. No it's a scam, I won $2 last week, not life changing money but I guess it's better than a kick in the bollox and a smack in the chops though.

  17. Yes and I have a friend in Nigeria so I was wondering if it was really true. I just told the Nigerian man (who often poses as someone else) to meet me in the United States and I (along with the police) would help him out. He didn't respond.

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