
Anyone work at American International School at Kingston?

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Just wondering what the working conditions and salaries are like. I am thinking about teaching there. Thank you!





    AISK is a non-profit, non-sectarian, private day school funded by tuition income and receives a small annual grant from the U.S. Government through its Office of Overseas Schools.


    The Director is the executive officer of the Board and is responsible for the organization, operation, and administration of the total School program. He/she is the normal channel of communication between the Board and the public. Questions about School policy should be directed to the Principal. Normally, communications directed to the Board shall be referred to the Principal for reply or action. The Board shall refer all matters to the Director for his/her recommendation prior to the Board decision. The Director shall organize the School and its employees into an efficient, democratic, and cooperative institution of professionally trained workers with stress on the importance of teaching and learning. The Director’s major effort shall be in the field of educational leadership and management. While the Director shall be responsible for the safety, welfare, and general development of the children within the School, it is of equal importance that he/she stimulates the teachers to guide and direct the physical, mental, social, and emotional growth of the boys and girls in their care.

    Assistant Directors

    Heads of Lower School

        Mrs. Anna Wallace


    Head of Middle School

        Mr. Matthew Gaetano

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