
Anyone work for NASA? if so what do you do, any advice?

by Guest31869  |  earlier

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one day I hope to get a job here. thank you =)




  1. Yes - at JPL.  

    Basic scientific research in Earth and atmospheric science.

    NASA scientists and engineers study the Earth as well as the solar system and the rest of the universe.  

    I recommend combining a strong science background (in any field, physics, chemistry, geology, biology) with a strong background in computers, mechanical, electrical or aerospace engineering, or robotics.

    You don't need a PhD unless you want to do purely scientific research.

    I also cannot over-emphasize the importance of science education and public outreach.  This is critical to all Earth and space science projects and missions.  

    Good luck!

  2. They always need engineers, even chemical engineers.  

  3. they monitor various astronomical movements and events in space or earth's atmosphere

  4. My uncle works at NASA, I know that they have summer interships for students. You should ck it out and then  you will get 1st hand knowledge of what u like and don't like.

  5. What do you want to do?

    NASA employs a lot of people doing very different jobs.

    One of my ex-graduate students now works for NASA in public outreach.

    I know many astrophysicists who work for NASA.

    In the case of my student, she has a Masters degree in astronomy.

    In the case of the other people I know they mostly have PhDs - usually in astronomy/astrophysics/physics.

  6. so do i

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