
Anyone work with a newspaper? Answer a few questions for me?

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For a school assignment, I need to "interview" someone who works at a newspaper office.. If someone who fits that description could answer these few questions for me, that would be great.

7.Please provide the following information regarding your communication with your local newspaper professional: of newspaper professional

2.title of newspaper professional

3.type of contact (phone, email, or in person) of contact

8. Please share the answers gained from your local newspaper professional to the following questions:

*What do you consider to be the three most important elements of a successful newspaper article? Please explain your three choices.

*If you could read only one section of your local newspaper each day, which section would it be (front page, life/times, sports, local news, etc.)?

*How important are images/graphics to the overall appeal of a newspaper? Can a newspaper be successful withou




  1. The three most important elements are Headline, the first paragraph and quotes.  what part of the paper is important changes from person to person, if you are a businessman beside the FrontPage business section is the most important and if you are an sports fan, its the sports section; similarly if you are in to politics, you will be reading a different section compared to those who are interested in sports.

  2. The three most important elements of a succussful newspape article are:

    1. The title - The title gets the reader attention

    2. Images - Its helps brings the article more to life

    3. Trust - If articles keeps getting retracted, people won't take interest any more.

    Local news would be read everyday. Local events affect communities more than national and international events so it important it keep up with is going on.

    Images and graphics help bring truth and visulation to the article. If an article says someone was arrested and a photo can be shown of the person in handcuffs or in police custody, it helps validate the story.

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