
Anyone worked as a skimpy barmaid in Perth, Darwin etc?

by Guest292  |  earlier

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Can I get enough to shifts in different pubs to be able to do it as a full time job? say 2 weeks on & then 2-3 weeks off.

How much money can I really make?




  1.  Look up Perths Best Girls and Skimpy Heaven on facebook if you want WA skimpy work. The rates with freelance networks these days are $45-65ph, geberally averaging $55ph. And an awesome splupport system and training if needed. I highly recommend them!

  2.  hey Carin,

    Not sure how old this post is but just wanted to say this is a massively helpful answer! I am starting as a skimpy in a couple of weeks and as im travelling/not from aus I dodnt really have much idea what it involved.. your post is honest and really helpful; thanks heaps :) 

  3. Hi girls,

    i just start as a skimpy and i have to say i find this job pretty funny. the only thing who is a problem for me is i don't know what to do . i serve the beer and everything but how do you get tips? i used tu wear my bra with a small shirt on top of it like this i can take it off but i'm little bite shy with the customer when i have to ask for "money/tips". any advice? are going on the other side of the bar, what are you doing? thank you for your answere !

    baby skimpy! x

  4.  I've been working as a skimpy for about 8 months now and I love it.. I do it full time and I will continue doing it for as long as my looks last. I get plenty of free time which I love to do things. 

    I'm based in nsw so our rates r higher $40 for lingerie $60 for topless but the real money is made from ur tips. 

    I go away to qld once every few months and make 4,000 for 6 nights work. 


    Like any job it has it's up n downs, some days I hate it but mostly I love it, some guys think they can do whatever or speak to u however because ur there wearing next to nothing but usually the bar staff are helpful and will ask certain patrons to be removed 






  5.  I have also worked as a skimpy working our of Perth all over WA and would agree completely with everything the above poster said from pay to hours to thoughts on the job! I think most girls who try skimpying do it very temporarily wheras a few girls really like it and do it for as long as they can. I feel like it is the kind of job where it would be a slippery slope so be careful and cautious. On occasion I did jobs where I did not feel completely safe - usuaully private parties where I was driven by people I didnt know to rural locations. Dodgy. But nothing bad ever happened.

    Hope you have a good experience x



  6. Hello, I worked as a skimpy barmaid in country pubs all across WA a couple of years ago while i was at uni. You can definately do it as a full time job, there is plenty of demand. It is very flexible, you will definately be able to work for a few weeks followed by a few weeks off if thats what you wanted to do. Some pubs will only book a skimpy for a night or two, some will book a skimpy for a week... it just depends. But the company you work for will usually be able to arrange a couple of pubs in different towns for you to work at back to back. You don't have to pay for your travel or accomodation, and at least one pub meal each day is usually provided free as well. You will get an hourly pay rate, plus any tips. From memory, shifts were always about five hours. Back when I was a skimpy, the hourly rate was around $35... you get most of your money through tips. Amount of tips per shift would vary obviously.. I used to make anywhere between $50-500+ in tips a shift. Best shifts in terms of tips were AFL grand final day or derbys! I had never worked behind a bar before, never poured a beer.... complete novice. The company I worked for sent me to a small pub in Perth where I had a few hours training and learnt the basics before I started skimpying. Training was unpaid, informal and I was fully clothed. Best tip I can give you is to definately wear flat shoes behind the bar - sounds unsexy, but just trust me! They have non slip mats down behind the bars that have holes in them for safety coz it gets so slippery. If you have heels on, you will stack it for sure! This really surprised me on my first shift! Id never really worked behind a bar so never thought about the logistics, but most skimpies wear ugg boots and their underwear!! I found the job very daunting, and never really got used to the reality of what I was doing. Sometimes you would be working alongside another skimpy or 2 (particularly if its an event like grand final) but most of the time, you will be the only skimpy and you will be working alongside the usual bar staff. I found the other barstaff the most intimidating.... some were lovely, others were rude, would ignore you, laugh at you in your face about what you were doing, and/or wouldnt help you if you asked them a question or couldnt find something or whatever.... I was always petrified of running into someone in the pub that I knew or my family knew..... its such a small world... It's not a job for the faint hearted. You need to be thick skinned, which I am definately not. It definately changed me as a person. I don't regret my time as a skimpy - it paid off my debts, got me through uni independently, it gave me the opportunity to see parts of WA that I'd never even heard of!! It gave me excellent life experience. But at the same time, it can be soul destroying. I wish you all the luck in the world. Please think carefully before becoming a skimpy, but at the same time.. you are not a bad person for being a skimpy, no matter how little some people will make you feel about being one. Means to an end... x

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