
Anyone worried about Global Warming?

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I'd heard that in 100 years, the earth will not be inhabited by humans anymore because of the conditions. Can we do anything about this, or is it too late?




  1. It's part of the natural cycles of the planet. The earth was much warmer during the medieval warming period than it is now. During that time the farming was prosperous and most of the castles that existed were built. The Chinese also experienced increase production and the Emperors treasury was full.

    Don't buy into the alarmist claims, you should reduce the usage of energy, but not because of Global Warming, because its the right thing to do.

  2. How can one worry about that that does not exist?

  3. Predictions this far in advance are by definition dubious.  Doubt it?  Try to find and ACCURATE weather prediction for three weeks in the future, anywhere.

  4. lets hope sooo! = ]]] if everyone would do their part our world would be good i think

  5. This isn't true sea level may change cities on the coast may be in some trouble but we will still be here.

  6. good question but here is the problem: no one knows whether what some  people are saying about the earth is correct or not, it is a theory, and in order to demonstrate whether a theory is correct a reproducible  study must be designed to test the theory.  So far, no one has designed such a study.  So is the earth warming?  yes, by less than one degree.  Is there anything we can do about it?  No, because we do not know what is causing the change.  Will the climate change again?  yes, the only constant about the climate is change, so it might get warmer, it might get cooler...good question, but do not depend upon my answers, study them for yourself...

  7. - it is a problem.

    - humans will not completely die out.

    - yes we can do something.

    - it's already a problem.  Darfur is thought to have been caused by drought brought on by global warming.

    - the US southwest has been in drought for more than 10 years.

    - as soon as bush, and the oil lobby moves out of the white house, we should see more national movement on the issue.

  8. yes i am worried abut global warming. But to be truthfully honest no one is really going 2 go green until the world is really really really messed  up.

  9. No, it is a lie not rooted in science. Someone is always telling us we are going to die from some disaster, but to date, they have always been wrong. And when it does finally happen, nothing we do will stop the inevitable.

  10. im worried and i hate the jackass people who arnt. we probably wont all be dead in 100 years, but if we dont start acting now then we will wait to its way to late like the lazy society we are. we will have to pay more taxes for scentists to figure our artificial ways to replace what the trees do by giving us oxygen to breathe. stupid idiots will complain " oh why was i a stuck up little prick 50 years ago and disregared the global warming thing, now im paying 1000 bucks a month to fix it" thats what they will say

  11. You know, I heard a couple years ago that we'd have a huge hurricane season, and we got next to nothing. I also heard that this past weekend would be stormy here in Wisconsin…again, next to nothing happened. Human extinction in 100 years? Let's see someone get the weather right more than 3 DAYS out and then we'll talk.

  12. yeah we can do something but not sure if it could save the world

  13. eh..I don't believe it..If you keep up to date with these things you would know that the earth has actually lowered one degree.. Soo if your keeping's not "global warming"ha

  14. Yes, we can!  Go to this website

    to learn about Global Warming and ways to stop it.  Look now, before it's to late!

    Hope this helps!

  15. No, If the earth is warming i do not think we can do much about it. And i wouldn't mind having some warmer winters here where it gets very cold.

  16. go out side. does the climate look like it will kill everyone on Earth. breath in slowly, breath out slowly

  17. Okay first of all, what the h.e.l.l., (my name) :o second of all to answer your question, yes I probably worry more than a 2 year old with a cavity who has to get a needle for the first time, than again, I was around that age when I got my first cavity (dont have bad oral hygene I was 2)

    I worry alot, and care about the environment, and take care of it, (infact im going vegitarian soon) but this may be so... infact maybe even sooner, like in four years "Dec. 24 2012" is supposed to be some big doomsday epocalyps, but anyways, people, have survived Earth's every essence for as long back as I can count, we've concured desease, we even solved the problems with the catalclismic "O-Zone tayer" global warming is the Earth telling us, "People, you are taking advantage of me" and God saying "Let those be punished for, taking advantage", not to get all religiouse on you or anything, but God didn't intend on us being on Earth forever, the Marshans had their chance to save their planet, but they said exsactly what we are saying now "Global warming is a hoax to earn money" only they probably said it in a different to speak.

    You should realize, what I just have, im afraid of basically everything, literaly! but what I have realized, is that the sun like every star, will- fall, darkness will befall on our beloved planet Earth, crops will fade to dust, animals and......dreadfull to say humans too, will die of either mal-nutrition or illness, and the once lively planet will shrival away, like mars, like any planet. after time... I just hate how you people can sit back with your flat screens and let the worse happen hoping it'll just pass over, but guess what? Reality check! If we keep doin' what were doin' the only one passing over will be you, so....SMARTIN' UP!

    Yes we can do something, it'll take some time but, we can't stop it, long to late for that mt friends, but we can slow down the process.

    Just buy a hybrid or energy efficient light bulb, turn off your air conditioner when out. bike or walk, pick up garbage of a local street, join a group to help stop it, and easiest of all, RECYCLE!

    We all can make just the smallest difference if we try...


    Courtney D. SaVe ThE tReEs!!  :)

  18. YES! Our kids and our kids, kids will pay the price for our mistake, if we last that long! :(

  19. I'm worried about it and I don't think it's too late but we have to act now.

  20. yea i am very worried! im trying to do everything possible to save the enviroment! i dont want man-kind to end! i think we can fix it but not enough people are trying hard enough. :(  its really sad to know that a lot of people dont care if our earth dies, but thats just my opinion..

  21. Yes and yes :)

  22. I am not trying to sound like an alarmist here, but it is clear that the time for action on climate change is quickly running out.  Atmospheric CO2 is considered a trace gas, and small changes produce large consequences. The current level has increased by approximately a 35% since industrialization.  Most scientists believe that if we can keep the atmospheric CO2 concentration below 450 to 500ppm, then the most serious consequences of global warming can be avoided.

    Climate models are predicting the CO2 concentration by the end of the century to range anywhere from 450ppm to over 1200ppm. The reason why there is such a large range is because it is unclear whether humankind will limit CO2 emissions from human sources, or if we will continue to produce increasing amounts of greenhouse gases. It is up to humanity to decide which greenhouse concentrations we will have, which will then influence the amount of global warming to come and will influence the kind of world we will be leaving for our children and grandchildren.

    Now, when I say that time is running out, I am not talking about for America.

    America is a rich nation and will probably be able to adapt to most any future changes. However, if does not act soon to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, then likely consequences of global warming will be[1]:

    - 75-250 million people across Africa could face water shortages by 2020.

    - Crop yields could increase by 20% in East and Southeast Asia, but decrease by up to 30% in Central and South Asia.

    - Agriculture fed by rainfall could drop by 50% in some African countries by 2020

    - 20-30% of all plant and animal species at increased risk of extinction if temperatures rise between 1.5 and 2.5C.

    - Glaciers and snow cover expected to decline, reducing water availability in countries supplied by melt water.

    I realize that most Americans couldn't care less what happens beyond their own backyard. That is the problem; people in rich countries who are producing most of the greenhouse gasses just don't care about the poor people of poor countries who will be most affected by climate change.

    Urgent action is needed to limit global warming. Taking no action is irresponsible, immoral, and perhaps illegal (crime against humanity). Also the costs associated with mitigation and adaptation to climate change will be cheaper if action is taken sooner rather then later.

    What we need is leadership on this issue, and no, it can not wait until 2020, when 75 million people across Africa run out of water. We need to stop subsidizing the oil, coal, and gas industries. These guys are having record profits anyhow. Let us use that money to wean ourselves from fossil fuels. With American momentum, we can solve almost any problem. The Manhattan Project: completed within years. A man on the moon before the decade (1960's) is out: done. Jimmy Carter's goal for energy independence within 20 years: ummm, still need to work on that—Reagan cut those goals and ripped the solar panels from the roof of the White House to prove a point.

    We can start over though; create new goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The technology currently exists to go green in almost every realm except for transportation. There is no reason why we can not have cars that get 100/miles to the gallon within 5 years, high speed electric trains, etc. -- if we invest in new technology. And we should invest in this technology, because if we don’t, then believe me, China and India will. They will be the one's holding all the new technology patents bringing a boom to their economies while ours stays stagnate. America needs to show leadership on this issue if it wants to remain a superpower.

    "The worst [of the climate change projections] is not going to happen ... not that I think the projections aren't that [accurate], but because we can't be that stupid." -- <James McCarthy, Harvard University oceanographer who studies how climate change affects marine life.

  23. I've heard the same doomsday predictions but I'm not worried.  The people saying this are just trying to scare us, and all they have to go on is some flawed data and a lot of guesswork which always seems to run in their favor.

    We shouldn't do anything about this, and no it's not too late to do nothing. More people should be doing nothing about global warming.

  24. Global Warming is a scare tactic. 20-30 some years ago, people were complaining that the world was too cold. The news and media over exaggerate and lie to get innocent, unsuspecting people to buy their ****, so they feel safe.

    The fear of the unknown goes along way.

    Think about it for a second, though. What proof do we actually have that "global warming" exists? Ice is melting? Ice has been melting for millions of years. This is just the earth on its natural cycle.

    If anything, Vegetarians and all you cuddly, animal lovers are causing alot of global warming. Did you know that almost 12% of all methane-based gases eating away at the ozone layer are caused by animal farts and f***s, mostly farm animals?

    Everytime you hit that deer, you save a layer of the ozone!

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