
Anyone worried about vaccines and autism?

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my son had the mmr shot and was sick for 2 weeks high fever and very lathergic didn't want to do anything toke him to the dr 4 times they said just give him tylnol




  1. Poor guy, no fun.  Yes, that is a concern.  There is plenty of evidence to indicate that vaccines are not safe.  There is also big money and power trying to silence any bad press.  As parents, it is our responsibility to make educated decisions for the children we want so much to protect.  Autism is not the only concern.  Autoimmune disorders top my list.  Allergies, Asthma, Eczema, the immune systems of many vaccinated children are malfunctioning terribly.  There are sick kids everywhere.  After reading the list of ingredients at the CDC website, how could we not expect to see consequences arise from the ever-expanding injection schedule?  You may choose to decline future vaccines.  There is no penalty in doing so, since vaccines are partially and temporarily effective.  The level of protection increases with multiple injections.  That is why many are given 3, 4, 5 times. offers exemptions by State for schooling purposes should you decide to modify the schedule or decline vaccines. may help ease your fears.  God bless your little one.

  2. Nope. Urban myth. There has been no viable link found between the two. The links that have been found have shown that it is a mixture of reactions and the chances of it happening are much lower then risk of actually catching the disease.

    My grandmother remembers polio. These things are NOT dead. As a matter of fact with more and more people skipping these shots for what ever reasons, there are a few that are back on the rise. Children are dying of things that we thought were long gone such as measles and mumps.

    I'll take my chances. My one in a million.

  3. OK just to clarify some factual information about vaccines.  The MMR is a live vaccine and does not contain thimerisol (ethyl mercury) which is a preservative, nor has it ever contained thimerisol.  And the last case of "wild" polio in the US was 1979.  The OPV vaccine was causing polio uptil 2000 when it was pulled.  The OPV was again a live virus like the MMR.  For those that have gotten polio only 1 of 250 even have symptoms, this chance statistically is O.O4% chance, pretty slim odds,  most just rid the virus naturally through excrement.  And for measles in developed countries there is a 1 in 1000 chance of having a severe reaction that's 0.01% again extremely slim odds.  And for mumps "the diesease is self-limiting, general outcome is good" per wikipedia.

    The genetic link that they have found concerning chromosomes 15 and 16 in 2008 accounts for about 1% of autism.

    There are an awful lot of people that think vaccines are a causal link, and there are numerous studies that have been done to correlate this.  

    Think twice has 25 studies linking vaccines to something.  Vaccines are being pulled from the market and changed all the time.  Including OPV pulled in 2000, and thimerisol was supposedly removed in 2008 but is still in trace amounts for some.  Thimerisol is still in the flu shot, but was removed from the rhogam shot in 2002.  Conversely thimerisol was removed from contact lens solution in 1982.

    In addition to Thimerisol being the 2nd most toxic substance known to man on the planet, vaccines also contain antifreeze, formaldyhyde, aluminum, egg, and aborted fertilized human tissue.  This is why there is a big push to green the vaccines now.

    I do believe that the vaccine schedule is too aggressive for the majority and will be altered in the near future.  I do believe that vaccines will be given less at once.  In Japan, they do not vaccinate any infant at all until the age of 2 because of the autoimmune disorders that are not limited to autism, but also, ADHD, bipolar, cancer, asthma, allergies, eczema, etc

    Please report your vaccine injury to vaers.  You will need the lot number

    Also look at

    In the future if you choose to continue to vaccinate consider skipping those which Dr. Sears says is ok to skip, also consider following Dr. Cave's ("What your doctor may not tell you about children's vaccinations") recommendations, and consider buying Dr. Kirby's book "Evidence of Harm Mercury in vaccines and the autism epidemic A medical controversy"

  4. Nope,I'm not worried about it at all. Its been proven that autism is NOT linked to vaccines due to all the mercury being taken out of the shots in 2001. Also what your son experienced is a side effect of vaccines.MY youngest daughter was sick with a fever for a week after getting her set of shots and to my knowledge I do not think the MMR shot was involved in that set. Both my daughters are up to date on thier shots and neither are autistic and none of my family members have autism and they all got their shots when they were needed(recommended).

  5. Nope. They just discovered there's a genetic link and have discovered exactly which gene is the culprit--and it's not that the gene's absent, but that it's just not turned on.

  6. I'm not so much worried about autism, but about other vaccine-injury, specifically, DPT or whichever version they're giving now....

    I've known several people whose children had a shot like this and very shortly developed seizures which caused permanent brain injury.  But did anyone believe them?  Noooooooo.

    I discussed this with my grandson's pediatrician, who of course encouraged us very strongly to give the vaccines.  She quoted me figures (like "one in 14,000"), but I told her I have one grandson -- if he's injured, that's 100%.  I asked her how many cases of diphtheria had sne seen?  None.  Ever.  How many of whooping cough?  Maybe two or three -- did they get better in the hospital?  Yes.  And if you can get tetanus, get well, and still get it again later, how effective is it to give a vaccine????  If he ever gets injured to the extent he needs a tetanus shot, he'll get one, but not in combination with D and P.  He is not growing up in a barnyard!

    We allowed him to have one of the "only one at a time" vaccines, and he ran fever, complained, and quit walking for a week.  No damage, they say?

    Immunize from polio, sure.  From mumps? measles? chicken pox?  Nope.  Millions of people have had these diseases and recovered just fine, and the stronger for it.

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