
Anyones opinion or personal experience,Help please!!!?

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Hi All, well this is my problem. this cycle my period was supposed to come on the 5-6 of june. It didnt come until june 24. 2-3 weeks late,and it only stayed for 4 days with some very dark light discharge on the 5th day (TMI sorry) i took a preg. test the day before my period finally came, Neg. now its july 7 and i feel funny kind of nauseated the past 2 mornings that, today is lasting into the afternoon. Also, we slept in a cottage near the beach night before last and my Husband said that was why i was kind of ill. can anyone tell me if this has happened to them preg. symptoms a week after a late period. I dont want to waste my only test and would love anyone's insight on this!!

Thanks Everyone!!! : )

I have a 2 year old daughter but i dont remember anything like this....




  1. Yes you could be pregnant.  Sometimes they say you spot after conception the first few periods after  however "spotting" is a relative term.  Remember each pregnancy is different.  Also those dumb tests only work a few weeks after a missed period or "spotting"  With DD2 I took two of those dumb things both negative then a week later shabang!  the real deal I was pregnant.  You could get a blood test but jeez they are expensive.  If it's really freaking you out take it and when you go back to the store buy in bulk!  Hope that helps

  2. Id have to agree about keep taking the pregnancy test maybe 2 per week for about a month to see if maybe its just not reading it yet. Good luck, if you are pregnant!

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