
Anything I can Add?? please helpp!!!!?

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Okay so I dont have any money and im making my boyfriend a present. Im trying to be unique. I got a clear plastic binder and in the front so far all i have is our names, and on the back a bunch of amazing things he said to me. I need some stuff i can put on the inside on the sides and maybe some pages in it with stuff. idk but i really need some suggestions please help anything you can think of and something else for the front maybe. thanks so muchhh




  1. If you two tell eachother "i love you" then you can do a whole page of I love you's but in different languages like

    Te amo (spanish)

    ya ti be lu blue (я люблю Вас) (russian)

    seeroom em kez (armenian)

    l'amo (italian)

    je vous aime (french)

    Ich liebe Sie (german)

    Ik hou van u (dutch)

    jeg elsker deg (norwegian)

    umm...i cant think of the other ones right now....try to look them up and print them out if possible

    You can put love quotes, pictures of the two of you, i like the idea of having coupons, like one free kiss.

    cut out letters from a magazine and write stuff like that too him the possibilities are endless, oh and write him a letter.

    I did that for my boyfriend...i didnt even have a binder i used sheet protectors and used my hair ties to keep it together...he has it on his wall still, from like a year ago...its the thought that counts, it shows he's worth the time and effort....

    hope this helps....

    Niki G

  2. This is so sweet.


    you could do pictures of ya'll.

    maybe inside jokes ya'll have.

    some of your favorite memories with him.

    the story of how yall meet.

    the date of your first kiss etc.

  3. aw how sweet... my cousin's girlfrien did something like that for him it look like it took ALOT of work... major trips to the arts and crafts store

    she added when they first met( b4 they startef going out )

    she added how many movies my cousin took her out on b4 they went to togeher.. one page had a tennis courty which represneted when my cousin asked his girl out. a tree when they first said i loved you ( which was under a tree ) and this other thing i cant remember but it was when they first met. she  added her own poem for valentines day and made him a picture.. its REALLY cute .. lets see what else was in that book.

    i know they had a page like snow fun when the winter was around they had the page looking all wintery with snow men and snow falling down really really cute..... im trying to remmeber but OMG ... first date, first kiss, when you first met, favorite song,dreams, goals and aspirations.etc

  4. id put in pictures of times u hav spent together or of places u have been.....thing that he likes etc

    nice idea for a present

  5. pics of u, flower petals, passes like (1 free kiss, 1 free hug, 2 free dinner dates, 3 happy dances, 1 night out with the boyz) and stuff like that, hearts, memories, the first time u met (in fairytale form), and more pics. lol hope that help.

  6. Naked pics?????

  7. How about pictures, quotes, stickers, paper designs, memorable stories of times you've had together, how you met, how you feel about each other?

  8. good luck with that

  9. I had a correction on the person that said to spell i love you in different languages.

    in german she said its: ich liebe Sie (german)

    actually that would translate to: I love her.

    YOu want to say: Ich liebe dich. meaning I love you!

  10. pictures things u wanna say to him cupons for him to use with u flowers flower petals a poem a burned cd with all the songs that remind u of him well good luck and hope this helps

  11. I made my boyfriend a book of our love story for our one year. I included chapters like "My Past" "Meeting You" "First Dating" "Our 'Firsts' " and "The Future." I included a lot of my thoughts, little stories, pictures, diary pages about him, and just things that came to mind. He absolutely loved reading all my thoughts and was amazed that I felt comfortable enough to let him know so much. It meant a lot to him. Just write him stuff that comes from the heart- he'll love it!

  12. the first anwer is wat i would go with

  13. pictures of you two.

    and pictures of where you guys went on your first date.

    and like pictures of something meaningful to you...

    like if he won you a teddy bear.

  14. The lyrics to your guyses song, a tacky/corny romantic poem[Roses are red

    Voilets are blue

    you luv me

    and i'll allways luv u]???

    Front: A cut out heart w/ ur pictures in it??

  15. that's for him?..i don't think a guy would like that but ok..

  16. Scrapbook stickers to go along with pictures, maybe on one page you could spray it with your perfume, so he can smell you whenever he wants. Ummm, I think it would b cool if you added fill in the blank questions for a page, or a page of stuff, like nature stuff of what remindes you of him. Maybe you could have 1 page be a treasure hunt thing with clues, leading to something special, like a present, or you for instance. Maybe you could send him the thing in the mail, and then have a whole bunch of clues that brings him to you at a fancy restauraunt, or something like that. E-mail me at if this works for you! (i just like 2 know if i helped sum1) maybe i could help u w/ even more ideas if u want, im good at that stuff

  17. you should put in some pictures of you and him together and places you went together.

    maybe titles of resturants you ate at

    great places you went

    maybe you could even write a poem about him and the stuff you love about him

    its good your making it because guys really do prefer something you make rather than something you buy because they know you really do care about them if you would make something for them from your heart.

  18. maybe if you have any pictures of you and him like on your phone or something you could send them to your e-mail, print them out and put them in the binder and put some pictures of you and him and tape a happy birthday video and put the tape in the binder and draw a lot of stuff... i think he'll like that

  19. On the pages you could put stuff about your various dates... like tickets from movies or events you went to together and pictures of y'all there if you have them.  You could get a take out menu or matchbook or business card for places you guys eat together.

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