
Anything I can do to be at least an 8?

by  |  earlier

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I know i'm probably like, a 5 so what can I do to be at least an 8? (sorry, weird face a pose xP)





  1. you are at least an 8...  probably more....  :)

  2. you are gorgeous..

    everyone else will think you're a ten if you do.

  3. haha i the weird face pic.. the toilet seat was up.. ut-oh

    and i think u are pretty! id say ur already at an 8 :DD

  4. This rating system is warped.  Who told you that you are a 5?  You are very cute!  True, you aren't a 10 which is like Victoria Secret model status but who is?  I'd say you are more like a 7 with a potential to be a 7.5 or maybe an 8!   First of all, don't wear glasses.  Secondly, get rid of that second picture. It looks like you are pooping, lol!  It's terrible! The third picture is the best.  It shows that you have great features.  You have beautiful eyes, great skin, and a great smile!  I think you need to do something with your hair though.  It's just kinda boring!  Grow it out all one length.  I'd color it a light brown and then maybe add some lighter highlights.  It's hard to tell but you maybe a bit on the chunky side, right?  Like you could lose maybe 10 lbs. which is easy.  Start going to the gym and get really toned. It looks like you have some curves (i.e. you aren't flat chested!) which is good and your legs look good.  I'd go to the Clinique counter and have them experiment with some different make-up.  I know they're a bit pricey but their make-up is so worth it!  Have them do a mini make-over but you have to buy atleast 2 products and I suggest atleast their mascara and lipstick. One thing, don't let them talk you into buying skincare products or foundation.  You have great skin and you don't need to waste your money on that c**p.  I'd just find a good mascara, an eyeliner, some pretty lipsticks and glosses, some blush, and you may want to get a little tan whether fake or real.  I'd try Jergens self-tanner for the face, it's subtle and inexpensive.  Also, your clothes look dull.  You need to show off your curves and dress a bit more trendy!  You don't have to spend a fortune.  I'd buy some tighter tops or lower cut tops and maybe some mini skirts!  You look like you may be a bit of a tomboy, am I right???  Be more girly!  I'd suggest going to Kohls if you're strapped for cash, they've actually got some cute stuff.  You also would look cute maybe in some PINK sweat outfits and some Hollister tops and sweatshirts.  You are not a 5 though!  DON'T LISTEN TO PEOPLE WHO SAY THAT!

  5. hahaha!

    i love the 2nd picture

    u look absolutely adorable, not gunna lie.

    and btw, u look awesome, and a totally cool person.

    idk wat u can do, i just wanted 2 let u know that i think i'm in love with you

    hahaha just joking.

  6. I think ur already really pretty!  try growing out ur hair like maybe a little below shoulder length, then TRY waves or curls and maybe mahogany highlights!  also i think sparkly darkish purple eyeshadow would look really nice on you  

  7. hm,, you're pretty already but you could use some more hair styling options. maybe grow out your hair longer, or get extensions, that way you can curl it, tie it, etc. i think you'll look prettier with wavy/curly hair.

  8. You are okay, I would give you a 7  

  9. grow your hair out and mabey get highlights. doont be so self concious tho <3

  10. You can try not holding the camera in the air while you take your picture..

  11. i think your very pretty! a 7 ;)

    answer mine please :);...

  12. I think you are there!!  I like the first and last pictures.  Thats when you look like a 9!(others are 8.5)  

  13. First, uncover both those beautiful brown eyes so people can see them and as for the 8 time will take care of that. you didn't mention your age.  

  14. What are you talking about a 5? You are a ten to me.  

  15. i think you're totally cute anyways


    but try growing out your hair?


  16. i think you should first, put the toilet seat down, then well talk  

  17. you look so cute!!

  18. my answer: i think you're prettttty. i think you should grow out your hair and make it wavyy!

    my frraannns answer: agreed

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