
Anything I can do to keep carpenter bees from futher damaging my window framing? They already have 2 holes!?

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Anything I can do to keep carpenter bees from futher damaging my window framing? They already have 2 holes!?




  1. go to your hardware store and get Sevin7 spray. sturate the window frame.

  2. spray diesel in the area and you will never see them again.

  3. call terminex

  4. Carpenter bees, ants...I am trying to think why they never were a problem.  Putting on oil paint primer (or oil stain) was something we always did......maybe that was a deterent.  I can't think of any other reason except they do not congregate around painted surfaces.  I cannot say that for latex though(as it was not developed for outdoor use yet on window frames.

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