
Anything I should know for first day of high school?

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I am going to be a freshman!!!!!!!




  1. The first day, you will have that "deer in the headlight" look, but not to worry, before long you will blend. Next year you will see the same in incoming freshmen and laugh while shaking your head...good luck to you and do well.

  2. be yourself.

    Dont try to be cool and try to navigate around without a map

    youll end up asking an upperclassmen and they might send you the wrong way so take your map...

  3. try to get a map before the first day of school. know where the wings are [english wing, math hallway...ect.]

    if you get the list of class rooms then map out where you are going :) so you'll know the best routes to take.

    buy your basic school supplies beforehand [a binder, folder, notebook/paper,pens,pencils,backpack] before hand that way all you'll have to buy after the first day is the necessities for each class.

    don't worry about being harassed by upperclassman on the first day. i was a freshman last year and nothing happened to me OR anyone i knew.

    just remember: you were in middle school at one time with the juniors and sophmores (when you were in 6th grade!) and the seniors really keep to themselves. dont be nervous-highschool is a time to have fun and be with your friends!

  4. its not scary at all. Freshman year was kinda boring just because you cant drive and you dont usually go to upper classmen parties. just be social and friendly to everyone because your stuck with those kids for 4 years. dont suck up because upperclassmen hate freshies who act older and cooler. we will just mock you more

  5. Get a good map of the school and try to make it to your classes on time. If possible, sit towards the middle of the room in each of your classes so that you have an opportunity to talk to people around you but also aren't seen as a "back-of-the-roomer" by the teacher.

    Get lots of rest the night before and eat a good breakfast. Don't stress. You'll do great!

  6. I'm going to be a freshmen too, but i have help my sister is a 12th grade but the bad thing about is I have to get a new id since its a new school and i have to go on my birthday Aug. 11th, talk about bad luck

  7. Omg im a freshman too!!!!!!!!!! im so scared for highschool, but i think if u just be urself and be as friendly as possible to teachers and students people will have a good amount of respect for u!

  8. don't get lost and don't ask upperclassmen where a class is. Ask teachers.

    and remember that you're only a freshman, don't try to act older or better than the older kids.

    just try your best and you should know your way around the school in a few days

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