I am helping a friend clean out an old house. One of the people who used to live there died. I don't know if he died in the house or not. Lots of things were left behind by the previous owner. He wanted to know if any of these things were valuable. I told him that I would take pics and take them to an antiques dealer. I charged my digital camera and had recently bought a new memory card. I took three pics, and got the message that the memory was full. I tried using my cell phone camera, battery was dead. As it would happen, there was a "one use" camera there. I took a couple of pics with it, and the flash stopped working.
When I got home, my son checked out my digital camera, it was fine. He took at least four or five more pics. The same with the "one use" camera, the flash started working again. I can't say about the cell phone, I plugged it in right away. This is what made ask whether or not I should be looking in another category of Science, or at least that's I meant to say