
Anything and everything i can do to avoid diabetes?

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both of my parents have it!!!

please tell me anything and everything i can do to avoid diabetes.

btw i'm not overweight but i have a belly yet thin arms and legs. would sit-ups help reduce the risk?

shall i cut out carbs completely from my diet? i don't eat cakes and biscuits, but i eat pasta and oven chips.

and how does exercise reduce the risk? my BMI is about 19.7 so i'm not overweight, but will exercise still help?

i believe in alternative medicine so please do give me advice on what i can eat and drink, and what to avoid, and what to do.




  1. Hi as far as avoiding diabetes have a look here at this site if you live in Queensland Australia I am the local supplier / agent distributor & am also a type 2 diabetic under control & grossly overweight compared to you

    Presuming you are not local email me back with your locality & would be more than happy to find out your local distributor for you Regards Mike

    This stuff definitely works

  2. you need to change your diet... look on the net for diabetic recipies... no grease fried need to excersize 30 min 3X a week...... have regular Dr. checkups to check your blood sugar levels.

  3. You've got the basic idea... have a healthy diet, exercise regularly, etc.

    One thing I can say for sure is that there has been no proof or studies that have said that too much sugar/carbs cause diabetes... in fact, most studies on the cause point to obesity and genetics causing diabetes (most are more heavily weighted toward the obesity than genetics.... no pun intended). My grandma had diabetes and my mom has high sugar, so I've been researching this quite a bit.

    If you want to play it on the safe side, you'd be best off getting your blood sugar tested on a regular basis and you could also try some herbs to help maintain your blood sugar like Cinnamon, Gymnema Sylvestre, or Fenugreek Seed. You probably wouldn't need to worry about taking any of those unless your blood sugar starts increasing above a normal level. Good luck!

  4. Yes you are on the right mind set.  Except for the pill pushing doctor part.

       Yes a low carb diet is the single best benefit.

       But a good general health maintenance is also good. like exercise. a healthy diet Plenty fresh fruits and vegetables.  Supplements of a good multi Vitamin. Omega-3 or fish oil.  again a good quality because there are some that aren't even fit to take home.  If the fish oil tastes or smells fishy it is old and not so good.  Nordic Naturals has a good fish oil.  Many multi vitamins aren't complete with minerals and enzymes.

       The best is "All One" brand it is totally complete and natural

       For your parents to help maintain their blood/sugar.  Take L-Carnatine, Alpha- Lapoic- Acid and Chromium Picolanate.

       All the above can be found in most health stores.

  5. Ok, so if your mom and dad have it, you

    should already know more about the disease

    then most people.

    Your parents must do glucose testing every day.  You should also do 1st morning testing

    about 1-2 times a week.  This will tell you

    if your pancreas is putting out the right amount

    of insulin and if your body is regulating it.

    2)  Don't go nuts on the diet BUT eat low

    on the white flour foods/  low on all sugar

    items/  eat lots of veggies, medium on

    the fruits (they may or may not effect your

    glucose levels)

    3)  Lots of exercise, lots of water...get

    rid of the belly.  Go to a gym if you need to.

    How old are you?  when were your parents

    diagnosed with diabetes?  If you are in

    you late 20s, it's time to get serious about

    preventing it.

      Join the American Diabetic society, go

    to their meetings.  Yes, you can bypass

    this disease.

  6. Yes cut the carbs as much as possible. Avoid foods fried in vegetable oil. You can have as much animal fat as you want but the vegetable oils in deep fat fryers turns to trans-fats.

    Without carbs there is no insulin release. The less insulin release, the longer you avoid insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes.

  7. Yes cut out the carbs, soda soft drinks, and chocolate/candy.

    That is easier said then done, i have tried. So take Chromium drop supplements 1 drop twice a day to a glass of water, this will regulate the blood sugar levels and stop sugar cravings!

    Also you will not be able to resist sweet foods for too long, so i reccommend you replace your sugar with Xylitol, this alkalises the body, does not need insulin to be metabolised![emphasis added], replacing refined sugar with Xylitol in it self is the best thing you can do to cut your risk of diabetes.

    Xylitol tastes like sugar, looks like sugar, is sweet like sugar, used in the same proportion as sugar, but slightly more expensive, its cheap on ebay, or order it in bulk from websites.

    Cut out the wholegrain bread and white bread. Go to or youtube video:

    Eat sprouted grain bread, no wheat, and lots of nutrients, less carbs. You can buy this from healthfood stores, or ask your local bakery.

    Cinnamen, or Celantra, acts like insulin, regulates blood sugar levels, as does Bittermelon, officially prescribed in the Phillapines healthcare system.

    Look into Hulda Clarks book 'Cure for all diseases', she believ diabetes is caused by a pathogenic microbe, her video is one google video as well.  Hulda Clark is not a quack, alot of people are insulting her, her work will only be realised once she's dead mny years from now.

    Although diabetes is said to be genetic, it can be prevented. Think of it like this, your genes{which make you susceptible to diabetes mellitus} may load the gun, but your environment {diet - sugar intake} ultimately pulls the trigger {causing diabetes}.

  8. Although the risk is greater, it is not because both your parents have diabetes that you will necessary have it. A test exists for you to know if you are at risk or not. Ask you doctor to send you for this test and, in the meantime,

    DIET :

    follow a healthy diet, drink lots of water, eat lots of veggies and  selected fruit.

    AVOID ready made dishes whether fresh, frozen or canned as these tend to contain too much salt, too much sugars and too much carbs as thickener.

    AVOID or limit your intake of sugars and carbs :

    sweets, chips, snacks, sodas and all kinds of sweet drinks, alcohol, fried and especially deepfried food, rice, pasta, potatoes, breads, cookies/cakes, etc...

    If you like your carbs, stick to the whole grain ones. Whole grain pasta e.g. 100% wheat, 100 % durum. This type of pasta is light brown in colour and can be found in supermarkets.

    Some fruit should be taken in small quantities as their concentration in sugar is very high : dried fruit, fresh pineapple, mango and grapes.

    AVOID any kind of fats. If you must, use sunflower oil, canola oil, olive oil.

    PREFER fish/shellfish over meat, low-fat over full fat dairy products.

    ENJOY a fiber rich diet, fresh fruit  and fresh juice in moderation, fresh veggies.

    Make sure you have a healthy high in fiber diet e.g. nuts, greens, fruit, etc...

    To resume : drink lots of water, eat a diet high in fiber, low in fat and low in carbs.

    Do not forget that diabetes seems to go hand in hand with highblood pressure. Deep fried food is a killer as it contains both carbs and fats and sometimes sugars too.


    Lots of exercice. At least a 1/2 hour walk a day, more if you can. Swimming, golfing, martial arts, whatever you like to do as long as you keep your body healthy and make sure you are neither under- nor overweight.

    Take care!

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